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Everything posted by Tomangoes

  1. Rare soul can also have the meaning of sounds you hear rarely, if that makes sense. There was a time when it was public knowledge IF a 'big' find took place in a warehouse in the US where all of a sudden 100 copies of a hard to find record had come to light, but I cant see that happening now or even in the last ten years. It has been known that a dealer found a hundred copies of a great sound, got DJs to break it in and then release 2 or 3 copies a month, so they could get the best price etc. A good example is the Ringleaders - Baby What, etc - Mpac. £30 a copy for months back in about 79, then bam its a £1 record when all those who could afford a weeks wages had bought one. The dark side is alive and well on the scene. Buy with caution. Ed
  2. Its been known on ebay to see DVD MP3 formats for sale holding dozens of 'Northern Soul CDs' I think it has to bought for personal use and as replacements for what you already own......or something alonthem lines. About £10 for 1000 tracks. Ed
  3. Donnie Elbert was played, thats why its in. It does not matter if its any good, its just an overview of popular records over the last 40 years at Northern Soul events. He made a good version of 'The way you do the things you do' if I remember right. Ed
  4. hertsandbeds, is that in Germany? You would never get yorksandlancs or worse yorksandnotts. Must interbreed down you way. Ed
  5. I think records have to be judged in a couple of ways to give them credit. For example records like 'What' and 'Moonlight' literally packed the dance floors solid when first introduced. On the other hand some of the top tunes in recent years, for example 'Stolen hours' and Ill be loving you' were overlooked as big time records. The flips got the glory. Over the years, punters tastes have changed and pop dancers are less in demand. Thankfully. So if the position in the book reflects a records position of popularity over 40 years, I would say most are about right. IMO. First choice and Judy Street bring back some great memories, so I would leave em in. Ed
  6. It is all about personal choice I suppose with about 25000 tracks to choose from. Dont mind Bob Brady or the Gypos. Mandrill is a great record from the Mecca, still got the LP. Fireman, however is pony in my opinion. I would imagine each year the listing order would change anyway with whats popular at the time. Ed
  7. I thought this part of the forum was for soul related topics, but other sections deal with everything from record selling, buying, and label artist info to FREEBASING that is about anything you just want to get off your chest or shout about. Therefore if you have had enough of the 'scene' you can still have 'virtual' conversations with lots of folks about anything you like. I agree there is a slight 'habit' of looking at this site just to share ideas and thoughts but they dont have be about the scene. Maybe if a post was put up about 'Christians on the scene' it might show Phil he is in good company. One thing is for sure unless you participate you cant influence anything. Ed
  9. Youre right, a hundred notes is steep without rave reviews. After all most of it must be reproduced in one way or another. Maybe you get what you pay for and its a bargain, time will tell. Ed
  10. Good luck with it all. Ed
  11. Jades - Hotter than Fire Dee Clark - Hot Potato Ed
  12. Hi Chris Obviously Jimmy was more than 'Long after tonight is all over', but on the UK Northern Soul Scene its adopted as 'legend status' and always will be. Most fans know it word for word as I am sure you know when its played at a soul night. Are there any plans to make a cd of his 'greatest work'? Ed
  13. If its a legal re-issue, the artist, writers, and producers may have got a small amount of money from it sale. If its a bootleg, or illegal pressing they wont have. Now just imagine there is a little angel looking over your left shoulder saying 'dont sell bootlegs and be politically correct' and a little devil looking over your right shoulder saying 'sell sell sell you muppet' Who pulls your heart strings the most? All those stories of our heroes living as paupers because the only royalty the seen was a picture of Q Liz on Time magazine. Bobby Paris even now having to stack shelves in Walmart etc etc. Of course you could give your ill gotten gains to charity.................... What a dilema! Ed
  14. Burning Sensation My World Is On Fire Fire (Ko Ko Taylor) Is it Cold is it Hot Keeps on burning Thought Id get a couple of easy ones first!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any more? Ed
  15. Love Music on GSF Ed
  16. Some of her stuff on King was hard going unless your a true soul fan who loves all genres, but alas thats not moi. The voice is unique though, a bit like Linda Jones (RIP). Ed
  17. Fortune teller and Im standing, dont they have the old casta doo daas? Actually after watching the movie 'From Dusk til Dawn', I wont be going to Mechicho, for a while!!!! Its amazing that the Los Angeles 'Low Rider' scene love the flip sides (slow) to our 'Dancer' records, for example the Heartbreakers - Ive got to face it - Derby City. Admirations another example. Ed
  18. BABY DONT FORGET TO REMEMBER I CANT LET GO.........DADADADA...DADA....DADA Or something like like that. Heard it first at Derby Assembly rooms. Catchy blue eyed dancer. Spiral Staircase, now theres a story. First heard MTTY at Tiffanies Rotherham mid week nappy night (Kelly Temple DJ) 1976. Bought a copy of MTTY in Calella Spain, around 1982 with pic cover for a few pesetas. Heard MTTY being sang by a Phillipino group in a hotel bar in Delhi India in 1995. Heard Diana Ross sing MTTY in Nottingham afew weeks ago on her UK tour. Ed
  19. Just listened to an old tape with Al Kents - The way youve been acting lately, and it reminded me of those fantastic soul nights most of my schoolmates attended at the Brickyard - Mexboro. Funny how certain tunes stick in your mind where you first heard it. Any other soul - sources rememember it? Other big tunes at the time were: Girls are out to get you Never will I fall in love again Cashing in The bottle Hide nor Hair It aint necessary I cant get enough of your love. Lager was 23 pence a pint!!!!! Great memories. Ed
  20. Its a good movie, but just in case you want to carry the theme on you sould get the Temptations movie, it makes you wanna holla. Ed
  21. If the lady sings 'Saving my love.................' it would be fantastic. Ed
  22. Massive at KGB nighters Sheffield. Crap by Timebox, Ace by Cal. About the same time as James Coit, Black power. Ed
  23. The most obvious one that we should all sit up and pay attention to is the evergreen:- 'Time will pass you by' TL/Mala Now get up get out and get to it you little pebbles. 'Many's the slip twixt the cup and the lip' was my one liner for many years. Ed
  24. I read some guy had swamp doggs ' if you ask me' word for word on his back. Doo Doo Doo..Du .....Doo Doo Doo. Always loved the OKEH tatoos a few lads had. Its unique to our world, like a secret symbol. Ed

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