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Everything posted by Tomangoes

  1. I must be missing something, it looks like a good idea to me, but as I only went to Wigan Casino a handfull of times Im no expert if its a true reflection of those guys who went week in week out. Might be better to see it and feedback the producer etc what could be improved rather than write it off. Assuming they are planning to tour it eventually you may become there special advisor. Ed
  2. Im falling in love with you baby - LJC, followed by Put your loving arms around me - The Sherries / his daughters take. Of course they are loved by us, but seriously was it possible by changing the lyrics and singers/vocals on the backing track to get a commercial success that eluded Joe? Ed
  3. Horses for courses. Used to pack CWG dayers dancefloor in the late 70s. Too furious for most ageing punters to dance to today. Oh how great it was to get a couple of hours of tunes at that pace, dance throughout, and still be able to walk the day after. Ed
  4. What was the reaction of the guys and gals of the 'pre Dave Godin' branding who had been happily listening to this special underground scene of uptempo soul style of music when it suddendly had a 'brand definition' tagged to it in the term 'Northern Soul'. Was it welcomed or unwanted? Ed
  5. Now now, just coz nobdy put thee darn as 'profesur of soul' Ed
  6. You've all heard it, and I think its great, but are there any others out there worth a listen? (I suppose Edwins - Scott Breedon tribute was the original). Ed
  7. Now I knew that the Winter gardens was to be demolished, but passed by the former site today and its flatened and the site up for sale with an estate agent called Bacon. What an insult. Any other former top venues suffered such indignity? Ed
  8. I must agree with a few comments that if you want to know anything, its very likely that the answer will be found on here. being The most amazing question I have ever got an answer to was the details of a cover up played at CWG by Poke, that all I could remember was the line ding ding ding...........................ding ding ding ding ding ding, and a few days later someone posted a sound clip of the tune. AMAZZZZZING. So I dont know about individuals being brilliant, but the members of this forum, deffo are as a group. Ed
  9. I was just watching a programme a few days ago about the money made on new singles and the result was that it is extremely rare that a new single (well cd, these days in most cases) hardly makes enough money to cover the total cost of production, marketing, and the rest. This must be a nightmare if it bombs. Obviously in the 60s with our type of music there must have been a pot of gold available if a single record sold big time, and perhaps the losses were not so bad, if like so many it bombed as far as sales are concerned. My question is considering the current situation, is it the end of inependant single production? Ed
  10. No matter what IL did would ever be accepted on this scene now, by a large amount of its members. It must be his life long ambition to actually make a tune that would be accepted by all, but I cant see it happening. If anything his output is going backwards. Some of the tunes mentioned went down well with young kids fresh to the scene back in the 70s like me, but the Northern Soul 2007 experience is just awful. Yet Duffy and Amy W seem to be nearer the mark, so maybe IL just he needs the right support. At the end of the day, there is enough material coming out naturally or still yet to be discoverd without trying to produce ready made Northern Soul in my opinion. IL should just accept his place on the scene as a former icon, and not spoil it by putting out this stuff targetted at a scene that does not want it. Ed
  11. The point is if a soul night advertises its music policy and it stays within it, nobody can really argue, its when it promises one thing and delivers another. Its not a new problem, but it is a persistant problem. Ive never heard a ska record played at a soul night ever, and would ask for my money back if I did (Unless it was advertised that it could be a possibility in the first place). I suppose 'Across the board' covers all angles, so a good marketing plan could get away with anything. Ed
  12. Ive got about 5000 tracks from various sources including Northern, Blues, Motown etc on my IPOD and keep adding. I just like the fact that with this many tunes (and alot more still to add) its great not knowing whats coming up next. Nowt better than sticking it on a charger/player/speaker on holiday and using the shuffle feature to get the variety. With cds, tapes, etc I got to the point that I knew the sequences coming up and its predictable and boring after a while. Long live the ipod. Even better having the latest one with the touch screen as you can log on to the internet and play the tunes stored on utube etc for nowt and again pick and choose. Ed
  13. A few points. First of all its great that new sounds are still being introduced and welcomed. When Mr Levine sold his various collections, how many tunes were then 'broken' by those who bought them? Playing a record once as was the case sometimes hardly gave them a chance to be 'broken' and there must have been that much stuff that some of these new discoveries of the last 25 years were always there anyway. And finally in the 'SoulBowl soul packs of the late 70s', when the scene was in decline how many tunes sent out for 10 pence each have be 'discovered' all over again? Food for thought. Ed
  14. Of course the winner is OVERTURE by the Miracle Workers, It was a biggie way back then. Ed
  15. I bet IL felt a right dick. Belatedly RIP Eddie Singleton. Ed
  16. Not a bad list. I wonder what the equivelent list would be from RW. Probably not appreciated as much by this site, but Footsee has its place in History I suppose. Ed
  17. A lesson in not taking things for granted. I thought you had done a 'VIP Radio' vanishing act. Ed
  18. Magic Potion was massive in 1975/6 at the Brickyard soul nights Mexbro (probably it was on its first revival), but Im not sure it would get much interest today. Great voice LJ, hope he keeps well. Ed
  19. Ditto Ditto Ditto HNY Ed
  20. Just watched Jackie Brown (Film) again, some great toons. Got me thinking, whats the best soul soundtracks on Film? Car wash/ Shaft/ SNF/ Jackie Brown? Any others? Ed
  21. Agreed in full, I could dance to this, sing along, and clap at the end, no problem. Lets put it this way, Ian Levine produced his CD of what Northern Soul is in 2007. The Amy Whinehouse experience touches on some aspects of Northern Soul 2007 stylie. To me the latter is natural, the former is fabricated. Not knocking IL, he tried his best but its worse than his 1976 Northern. Neither can replace the real thing, but to me it proves that it would be possible to find the ingredients to get close. Till next year - All the best, even to those who are living totally in the past.... Ed
  22. Sounds nice but I would only be guessing at the artist. A bit like Lenny Williams. Ed
  23. Thanks Teapot It is about opinion, and the point I was making was more about the type of sound Ami 'often' makes, not always, but often. For example I am sure if Ami reworked sounds like 7 day fool, It would be interesting, but the point was who is feeding her the stuff she has already done, because a whole bunch of it sounds Northern influenced, Cat Whaling or not. (Sorry IMO, to be PC). Ed
  24. In 20 years it might be worth £100, but for now lets just be happy someone values this classic collection at such a high price. I am going to keep up with the festive spirit and offer them lots of other £100 cds or maybe the odd 3 b4 8 vinyl for a Monkey. Lets face it most of us have all been there, wanting something that bad, but unsure of its value. 3 weeks wages for a unique made to measure suit etc. The buyer is going to find out big time about negative equity. Ed
  25. Just watching Channel T4, with Amy Winehouse (recorded live concert). I dont know what to make of this as every other record is almost playable at an all nighter. Shut your eyes and you think you are listening to a great jazz influenced soulstress. Theres got to be somebody in the background who is feeding her THE NORTHERN SOUL INFLUENCE. Anybody agree or know more??? Ed

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