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Everything posted by Tomangoes

  1. Actually I like No Smoking The record and the instruction....................... Ed
  2. Hod on, episode 165 Jeff Perry love dont come no stronger. Quality.
  3. Top voice this guy. Had 'Reposessing all of my love' years ago. So powerful'. Ed
  4. Thanks wow episode 65 Charles Mann - Its all over. Still reading through the listings Ed
  5. https://uk.reuters.com/article/lifestyleMol...542409420080415 There must have been some great footage on this show over the years. Pity the soul stars dont seem bothered about winning its awards. Has a dvd set come out yet on the whole series? Ed
  6. IM THE ONE TO DO IT - LEEDS CENTRAL MEMORIES - LATE 70S. Shortly after JW died, I remember a new singer being introduced as the new JW. Cant remember the name, and obviously nothing much come of it, but it is one voice that stands out with instant recognition more than most. Ed
  7. Well I suppose it falls into 2 areas. Commercial interest: Maybe you can guage the kind of music that soul source people want to buy, current trends, styles, etc. Personal interest: Participate in sharing your knowledge, experience and views on the hundreds of topics that get raised. You never know you might learn something and even sell more products. Surely two goals that would make it worthwile. Ed
  8. Hello Ian If you produce something I like, sure I would buy it, why not? I just think you could get more from this site than whether the sources like your latest musical offerings. Ed
  9. I just wondered if you were remotely interested in what other soul sources are having to say and if you felt inclined to join in. Maybe you should consider it and get involved. Part of the fun is to get your thoughts and opinions deliberated over. You never know you might enjoy it. Ed
  10. Just out of curiosity, has the starter of this topic and its original part 1 forerunner responded to any other topic since they came back on this site a few weeks ago? Ed
  11. People pay more for stamps and coins, and you cant play them.................... Ed
  12. Assuming you paid £15,000 for a record, would you actually dare play it? I would love to see (me preferably) a soul-sourcer win the euro lottery (about £90m last count) and see if there was any record that wasnt all of a sudden for sale, once word got out. Looking at the current prices, the winner may still not actually have enough to buy a mint copy of every single record deemed to be northern soul/across the board playable. (30000?). On the other hand one or two folks out there are selling 25000 known tracks on DVDs for 0.4pence per track. No job too small or to big, as they might say. Ed
  13. A real sad week as said previously. Rosemary must be one of the most famous tunes (Wigan?) ever on this scene, especially for the old style dancers with the spins and backdrops etc. Maybe a 'best of' albumn could be put together to fund a suitable memeorial and also help his family. What a talent he had to make soul and dance music. Just glad he knew how much esteem he was held in on this side of the pond. Ed
  14. Jaysus Get the guy back on, its better than Eastenders. Ed
  15. Just noticed Lou Ragland wishes them well in the guest book. Come on sources wish them well. Actually I think Born Free could be a new winner, never took any notice before, forget the Lions, its a reet dancer. Ed
  16. What happened to the Levine topic? Ed
  17. What a great website, and the backing track is brilliant. I would love to see them over in the UK. Promoters come on. Ed
  18. Wow This statement really highlights the difference in taste and opinion between soul-sources. When Wash and Wear Love gets played, it absolutely gets right into my 'inner soul' its a brilliant piece of rythmic heartfelt soul music. Then again the Carstairs is right there with it and the voices of East Harlem, and Eloise Laws, and Sandra Richardson. Mr S, you really do miss out if these type of records dont float your boat. Long live the Mecca Sound. In your defence, I can say that the reggae and ska music you have promoted in previous posts do nothing at all for me, so I suppose its horses for courses and live and let live. Ed
  19. There was a time when Northern Soul talk was only done at Northern Soul events, and the odd home made fanzine. Now you can do it from anyhwere anytime. Blackberry, Iphone, woggle sim adaptor. Time Marches ON. Who will be the first promoter to have an online event or maybe a sky channel where you get your mates round and have a virtual nighter in the front room (all the easier now the 'laminate' floor has arrived). Everybody has cordless headphones on so no problem with noise pollution. I know the sky radio soul northern thingy failed, but that should be improved to add a real virtual DJ in front of the decks etc. Live or pre-recorded, press the red button for requesting the next toon, Skype in several sitting rooms to watch others doing the same? Come on you know its going to come, who's the trend setting DJ who could be the anchor? Even Bingo clumps together several halls to compete for the big prize. Maybe soul nights could be linked with a big video screen beaming in the top DJs and Sounds to make the biggest worldwide Northern Soul event ever. If you can imagine it, it can be done, and will be done. Probably already has to some extent for the rave scene. Ed
  20. There was a time when Northern Soul talk was only done at Northern Soul events, and the odd home made fanzine. Now you can do it from anyhwere anytime. Blackberry, Iphone, woggle sim adaptor. Time Marches ON. Who will be the first promoter to have an online event or maybe a sky channel where you get your mates round and have a virtual nighter in the front room (all the easier now the 'laminate' floor has arrived). Everybody has cordless headphones on so no problem with noise pollution. I know the sky radio soul northern thingy failed, but that should be improved to add a real virtual DJ in front of the decks etc. Live or pre-recorded, press the red button for requesting the next toon, Skype in several sitting rooms to watch others doing the same? Come on you know its going to come, who's the trend setting DJ who could be the anchor? Even Bingo clumps together several halls to compete for the big prize. Maybe soul nights could be linked with a big video screen beaming in the top DJs and Sounds to make the biggest worldwide Northern Soul event ever. If you can imagine it, it can be done, and will be done. Probably already has to some extent for the rave scene. Ed
  21. Is this topic going to win the prize for most replies and most views, or are we quite a bit away yet? Ian, should you not be in a studio producing or something? I think it should develop into simple questions and answers from now on, with no opinions unless relevant. Here goes my first question. Is it true that you (not all the other DJs) only played Lou Edwards - Talkin bout poor folks, just the once at the Mecca? Ed
  22. This thread keeps going on and on, but Im not really sure what its about, except the life and times of Ian Levine. Obviously thats generated more than 10 pages in a short time, but flicking through the posts it seems to be going round in circles. Maybe its a case of agreeing to disagree. I have never met Ian, never heard him DJ, and tend not to judge anyone until I have some kind of personal knowledge. His reputation as a record finder is no more illustrated than in Kev Roberts 'top 500' book, where almost every other tune is attributed to Ian in one way or another. Like most on here, its a fact that we consider Ian Levine as a major influence in this scenes growth and direction. For me thats enough to put Ian at the top of the list of major players, as after all, the personalities come and go, but the music remains. There cannot be anybody on this scene who have come near Ian Levine in terms of experiences of breaking new sounds of jaw dropping proportions for year after year, and even guiding the vast majority of followers from 60s stompers to modern sounding tunes like the Carstairs, and even breaking new releases on a scene that mainly celebrated forgotton obscurities from the previous decade. In the Northern Soul Hall of Fame, surely Ian Levine would be at the No 1 SPOT, maybe apart from DG (RIP) who coined the phrase. BUT, theres always a but. As a record producer, I have to say that I just dont like 'most' of the stuff Ian Levine is making now. Just an honest opinion. For sure I could not do any better, but that still is not a reason for me and obviously several other soul sources from having an opinion on if we like something or not. In the same token, Ian Levine has to respect that opinion from soul sources who dont like the product (or at least some or most of it). If Ian Levine had produced a record I liked, I would not have pushed it to one side just because Ian Levine had produced it. Of course, I understand some folks would, but they would be in a minority, and probably biased in one way or another. So, in summary, Mr Ian Levine, thanks for all youve done for this scene, and if you feel the desire, keep producing records, but please accept that if its not to other peoples taste, its not a crime on the part of either party, just how things are. Regards Ed
  23. Wow Did only one record get made by these guys in response to the FE? How many copies of sad girl got produced? Ed
  24. Once saw a guy who had sewn beer towels onto a pair of baggy Jeans, completely covering them. Glad it did not catch on. What other fashion statements have you seen on the scene. Ed

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