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Everything posted by simonb

  1. Its not northern - but to me this is super soulful
  2. Its not northern - but to me this is super soulful
  3. Can anyone tell me how I can post a soundfile up please
  4. Chalky wrote :- " I dare bet that many of the musicians are just session musicians, good at playing their instruments and not from a soulful background" - What makes the singer so soulful? Because a guy was jazz trained, does not mean he doesn't/did not have Soul. I would have thought ¾ of the black musicians raised in the USA between 58 and now have all been Jazz trained. What would you call a soul background? Hardship/relationships/poverty? And why can a singer come from this background but not a musician? If you think soul comes exclusively from a voice, then I'm hearing records differently to you. Soul is the emotion put into a record and that comes from the passion and feeling within, be it vocal or instrumental. The vocal part is just the obvious part - because its the way we converse amongst ourselves most frequently. My partner tells me she loves me frequently - but her body language tells me even more frequently. I've always found it strange that the Northern Soul scene was/is made up mostly from White English Males. A group of people not normally associated with an aptitude for emotional expression to the opposite sex. Yet most of the records championed on the scene relate to this very subject matter!!!! Perhaps it's the classification of the word "SOUL" that we cannot agree on. I believe that a lot of records that are classified as northern soul are fairly soulless (I know many thousands are). Lots of them are great dance records, but emotionally I believe them to be soulless.
  5. This is true Rachel, but I find that good instrumentals can give you a soundtrack to you're own emotions. A good example would be The Wooden Glasses take on "The Rain", Billy Wottens vibe playing is unsurpassable - I feel the dejection and loneliness in his playing surpasses anything another man or woman could have sung about. I've not got their voice and their interpretation of emotion floating around in my head. All I've got is the emotion, the way he placed each hammer on each note, the notes he doesn't play - its talking without speaking.......... This is somebody conversing through an instrument yet I hear every word and feel every thought. I think you are giving the original artists a bigger dis-service than somebody bootlegging them (at least that shows there is an appreciation for their work), if you don't understand the soul in the instrumentation they played.
  6. I think that a lot of the comments above prove that a lot of you guys/girls are emotionally retarded. Do you need a voice inside you're head to let you know what emotion you are feeling? I believe that a lot of people involved in this scene have no real understanding of musical arrangement or understand its emotional power. There was a thread regarding intro's recently. So many people wrote both energetically and passionately about their favourite 30 seconds of a given record- most of which featured no vocals at all! If anyone has a copy of "DeeDee" McArthurs - Girl we're in love (Universal Sound) - listen to that track and tell me its got no Soul - I think this record is dripping in the stuff. When you've got a good writer/arranger and talented musicians (who have the ability to speak through their instruments) there isn't always a need for vocalist.
  8. Anybody fancy a trade I've got :- King Ernest - You Gonns Miss me (Sonic RC 1000 - 2) M- I want :- RIVAGE: strung out on your love/sittin' on it (Tempus 460) m- + another decent 70's 80s 45 email me slyguy45@blueyonder.co.uk Simon
  9. James, New World is fan f***ing tastic. When is the next radio show? Simon
  10. Quote"Boots do cheapen the scene no doubt. I worry that the real pioneers of the scene, the likes of Butch etc, get that pissed off with it they stop digging deep for new 45s." Who put out the Soul Bros inc in the eighties?
  11. I have to say Pete, Stone Island went down hill around 1996. Long live OTS and DUFFER
  12. I Like it. But I like loads of good Rap (although I don't think its top draw Rap)- Its a logical progression from Blues to R&B via Funk to HipHop. I just love Black music - Not just a classification of sounds championed by white DJ's from the UK. I do however understand that it is the channelling that keeps a scene pure. But there again I don't dig scenes - They lead to narrow mindedness.
  13. Streaming here
  14. "Not many of the funk DJs could ever be concidered because most of them play bootlegs and reissues of funk records" James I dont understand why you're always saying this. You don't know me but I've been buying records since 1984 - I started to buy Funk in the late 80's, myself and another friend started picking up Crossbronx express/Dynamic Corvetts/Fabouls Souls in 1989. I've not stopped buying I dont deal with many dealers - I just dig. Ask Gerald about Geoff from Gloucester and what records he's got - Geralds tried for about 5 years to get some of the bigger ones. Just becasue we dont travel doesn't mean we aint got them. I respect you're musical taste so much - but you're people skills are rubbish.
  15. The Northern Soul scene was once pioneering in its ability to pull many styles of Soul music together in one night. It gave it an energy and unpredictability that its has since lost. I understand that it still has a magic, but I feel that this is mostly through the nostalgic eyes of an aging crowd (I do not mean this as an insult) . I'm surprised that when ever "Funk" is mentioned, it gets such short change from lovers of Soul music. I have a modest collection of 45's (1,500approx) Some of which would be called Northern, some Ska/Rocksteady some Jazz and a lot that would be called Funk. I know that all of them are Soul records - records that have been made with and ooze SOUL. How can so many people that have collected black music for so many years, have such a negative attitude? The clubs that have pushed the scene forward have always playing a great cross section of music, The wheel, The Mecca, TOTW etc. All these clubs have added a spice to the Soul scene and the main reason was music policy. The DJ's pushed new sounds onto the Status Quo (no jokes please) until it hit home with those that had more conservative taste, (I've read that Keb played Tony Gala for nearly six months before anyone danced to it)!!!! I think this is what James is talking about, a lot of funk DJ's play Soulful records with a Funk - That could be Big Daddy Rogers, Delegates of Soul or Mary "Queenie" Lyons. Its this eclectic mix that appears to be missing. I believe, leaving many DJ sets that I've heard at soul nights a bit mono dimensional and lacking the true passion of Soul. Just look at Oslo Souls web site - check the tunes they play and then look how young the audience are.
  16. Thanks John
  17. Can anyone post the link for info on this please - I've lost it
  18. Valentinos - I cant understand it pt1 (Clean) - Wicked Bobby Womac tune/production - BUT THIS IS THE KILLER VERSION.
  19. Thank Billy the Boot. Any ideas on the other two anyone? Simon
  20. Valentinos- I can Understand it (Clean) DeeDee McArthur -Girl we're in love (Universal sound) The Naturals - This loneliness (Quadran) Great Expectations - Welcome to the World (Phoenix)
  21. Funny this, I know. However the one that gets me is an instrumental :- "DeeDee" McArthur - Girl we're in love (Universal Sound) The flute just touches my Soul - I put my own words to it (in my head) depending on how I'm getting on with my wife. But every time I play it, I use my headphones, crank up the volume and drift away on an sea of emotion. THIS RECORD TO ME IS PURE SOUL. Simon
  22. From the Valleys of South Wales but living in Gloucester the last 15years.
  24. playing a mix of all Soul styles , R&B, Funk and Ska If in the Gloucester area tune in to 106.7fm or listen to live stream at https://www.gfm.org.uk/webcast/live/gfmplayer.html I'll be playing tomorrow (Wed 4th) between 7-9pm You can call me up a tell me off or put in a request/dedication (ONLY DURING THE SHOW) Tel 01452 546400 Txt 07788 856662 Or email me in advance :- slyguy45@blueyonder.co.uk If you want me to mention a upcoming event, etc....
  25. PART 2 OF MY RADIO SHOW TONIGHT (wed 21st 7-9pm GMT) THOSE IN GLOUCESTER TUNE IN 106.7FM THOSE ON THE NET FOLLOW THIS LINK https://www.gfm.org.uk/webcast/live/gfmplayer.html LOADS OF CLUB R&B TONIGHT

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