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Jim Elliott

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Everything posted by Jim Elliott

  1. Ta for the info folks, better try my more dubious sources! Have a good one. Jim.
  2. Don't laugh but I can't find a copy of this anywhere, it's not rare surely!? Cheers Jim.
  3. Apparently an old Staffordshire spin. Thanx to the Scots vs England niter at the big 1 oh, oh. in '91.
  4. Rummaging thru my depressingly meagre collection the other day I stumbled upon Larry's fine disc 'Thats just what you did' bought it a good few years back for £50, anyone any idea how much it is in these rather bizarre times? Cheers Jim.
  5. Crossover, umm, still not really sure what this naughty little saying means but I'd plump for, Margie 'One more chance', Bobby P 'Im in love with you' & Willie Hutchinsons 'Lets try it over', absolutely impossible to decide on one choon for me I'm afraid.
  6. Seem to remember that Johnnys' barnstorming version was issued on the much missed Kent series, NO, No, not my girl Lp can't remember the number tho, came out in '86 I think.
  7. 'Jerry Butler offers the spice of life', or something like that, on Mercury I think, my mate and fellow healthcare professional Lee Bates tipped me off about this tune a few weeks ago, great stuff. Happy hunting.
  8. Top record that, 'Up for a let down' from the albums' also worthy of a spin or two methinks, never heard either one out tho'!
  9. Bloody superb record, I think the 'Out on the floor tonight' album must be the soundtrack to my (misspent) youth, remember whistling TTAM on the way to school when I lived in Kent! RIP JB.
  10. Can't help with the Tanny thing but /has anyone ever played his ABC stormer 'What if a man', cor what a scorcher! Seem to remember some chap reviewing it in SOS a couple of years back and the neighbours havent spoken to me since it came thru' the letter box.
  11. Have to concur with Tony re: 'You've got to believe in thine ownself'. Utter pants. Surely we havent stooped to the level of playing this?! Thank Christ I was too young in the seventies.
  12. Oh dear, what have I started here.
  13. Happened upon a Northern niter in Sydney whilst backpacking with the better half a few years back. They had it about right, dodgy venue in a dodgy area ( Kings Cross) Just what the Dr ordered for a lonely Soul boy. Cracking nite, loads of beer and quality chat. If my memory serves me correctly I think two rather Foxy young ladies were the instigators. Bit difficult dancing in walking boots tho'.
  14. For some reason I was under the impression Chaz Mintz's versh was a little unreleased number, not sure why(?) 'What a lucky guy I am' is the one that goes on the holiday tapes these days tho'. Mr Picky.
  15. A couple of weeks ago I was browsing thru' a chaps box at a well resepected NW Soul nite and happened upon a copy of the aforementioned tune. Price? £300. Now call me Mr. Picky but has the scene totally lost the plot. My first memories of it are of Butch giving it a fair bit of needle time when I started to attend the Oxford Street temple in about 87/88. Picked one up from an infamous dealer from the midlands shortly after for about £20! Where on earth do otherwise sane people get these prices from?
  16. Just wanted to say, what a great record.
  17. I have a distant memory of Clarky playing a tune by the name of 'Pusherman' at one of those holiday park weekenders in Yarmouth in about 91, still got it on tape somewhere, he said it was by someone called Mark or James Kelly!
  18. Just recently managed to get hold of a ss copy of this for a song in the States after coveting my Kent 'Soul Superbowl' lp since my spotty youth. I'm sure most folk know 'Katrina' as a 45 but what about the rest of the album? When did this get plays? Casino? Stafford? I know Billy Jackson is too cool for school in the production stakes but what happened to the group, before or after? Seems a shame to spend the rest of your days in apparent obscurity after producing such a fine set. Answers on a postcard Cheers Jim.
  19. Cheers for the info folks, looks like I've been digging in the wrong places! Jim.
  20. Had an unexpected surprise about 5 years ago whilst backpacking in Australia, walking home from my temping job one arvo' in Brisbane I stumbled across a little second hand record shop, found a few tasty 60's aussie only bits, but the real win was spotting a newly arrived box from the States. Anyway made a bit of a show about not being too excited and an hour later walked out with minters of Alex Brown 'Not responsible', Cool Sounds 'Who can I turn to', the ubiquitous Marcia Hines several Hotlanta and Philly int bits, all in all a haul of about 25 great records, at fifty cents a throw! I thought only old soulsters had vinyl fun like that, being only 26 at the time I thought I ruled! Strange where they turn up tho' ain't it?
  21. Since reading several rave reviews in Mr Pearsons fine soul review and then finally getting to hear 'It's no mistake' by young Darrow about four years ago I'm hooked, trouble is the tapes' a little on the worn side now. I know he recorded several other sides on this and related labels which regularly turn up, this however is proving to be a bit hard. Anyone got any info? Cheers Jim.

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