Hi All
We spend a small fortune on records, but often use ill-fitting cheap adapters to play them on the decks where 'wobble' can occur. So I decided to do something about it for myself, and thought about offering out to others also on SS.
I have a small quantity of record adapters currently available. Prices are below with discount for two or more if you have double decks.
These are manufactured from solid Stainless Steel or an alternative of solid Brass in the UK by precision engineers. These are heavy duty designed to push fit your 45 and keep it stable without any rotation deviation. The spindle hole is also designed to fit on the spindle without any movement, so no wobble on your adapter.
Two types are available. The 'Tri Scoop' is a more rounded design, whereas the 'Tri Pin' is less so. The price list is as follows with a discount per unit for two or more.
Note for buyers: for those who have asked about pricing, the similar product by a Japanese company are £50 (stainless) and £65 (brass) plus £20 Postage and VAT to pay. These are UK made, cheap post and no VAT.
Any questions or orders please PM
Tri Scoop below, with Tri pin below that, and a video to show what they look like on the deck.
Tri Scoop Deck.mp4