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Billy Jo Jim Bob

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Billy Jo Jim Bob last won the day on June 2 2023

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    Sam Williams - Love slipped thru my fingers

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Community Answers

  1. To be honest Trev the issue for me is the rudeness of some of the wants posts. Half of them don’t say please, thanks or any kind of courtesy. There was one a couple of weeks ago that was really aggressive which I found quite odd. Abuse potential sellers before youve even been offered a copy…way to go. I may have a 45 they want, but they don’t get a reply from me I’m afraid. Andy
  2. https://neo-online.co.uk/storage-boxes/7-single-vinyl-storage-flight-cases/neo-red-7-inch-single-vinyl-record-lp-dj-storage-case-100-capacity/ https://www.swanflight.com/record-box-7-100.html
  3. Hi For today we have a gospel influenced Northern gem, brought to the fore by Greg Belson and featuring in his Savoy label show. A bit of a semi known with not that many collectors aware. Could go with a push from some enlightened DJ's. Also we have a small soul pack with a selection of quality NS. As normal NO 20% VAT, $25 Postage and other fee's associated with online markets. Paypal as F&F please Postage £4.5 UK Recorded, £6 worldwide. PM to order / questions Thanks Andy ++++++++++++++++++++ 1. Alfred Campbell & OLB Youth Choir of Atlanta - Dont forget about me - Savoy Ex £70 now £50 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfpjXg2XkIM +++++++++++++++++++++ 2. A small soul pack of mainly quality 45's old store stock from a US basement all Ex+ to NM : £50 Joe Simon - When - SS7 (classic with company sleeve) Jean Wells - Keep your mouth shut - Volare ( this is on JM's at £70 !! ) Innovations - Just keep on loving me - Hit Sound (great NS - slight text transfer during storage - on JM's at £20) COD's - I'm a good guy / pretty baby - Kellmac ( brill two sider value NS plus Lowrider harmony - on JM's at £30) William Devaughn - Be thankful for what you got - TEC ( 1980 version superb - this has sold on Discogs for £50 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bl13cJyG0Ec Casinos - How Long has it been - Fraternity (their best for me - on JM's at £20) Esquires - Stay (just a wonderful chillout 45 - on JM's at £15) ++++++++++++++++++++++=
  4. Hi All Just a few old store stock specials for you today. Cheap but quality These are just £10 each (all are old stock from a closed store and now in a US basement and grade normally NM with a couple Ex) NO VAT, huge postage and silly fees Post is £3.50 first Class for up to 3 45's, £6 worldwide. Paypal as F&F PM to order or questions Cheers Andy ++++++++++++++++ 1. Joe Simon - When (classic with company sleeve) 2. Jean Wells - Keep your mouth shut 3. Innovations - Just keep on loving me (great NS - slight text transfer during storage) 4. COD's - I'm a good guy / pretty baby (two sider value) 5. William Devaughn - Be thankful for what you got ( 1980 version superb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bl13cJyG0Ec ) 6. Casinos - How Long has it been - (their best for me ) 7. Esquires - Stay (just a wonderful chillout 45) 8. The Lovelites - I found me a lover (class dancer )
  5. Just put one up for sale here. Greg Belson discovery
  6. Hi For today we have a gospel influenced Northern gem, brought to the fore by Greg Belson and featuring in his Savoy label show. A bit of a semi known with not that many collectors aware. Could go with a push from some enlightened DJ's. As normal NO 20% VAT, $25 Postage and other fee's associated with online markets. Paypal as F&F please Postage £4.5 UK Recorded, £6 worldwide. PM to order / questions Thanks Andy ++++++++++++++ Arthur Campbell & OLB Youth Choir of Atlanta - Dont forget about me - Savoy Ex £70
  7. Hi all Here's a tune that IMHO is brill and getting the attention it deserves. Just kills me every time I hear it. This is my duplicate copy. Remember no VAT, $25 postage, buyers fee's or other nonsense when you buy from marketplace's. Post 4.5 Recorded, 6.00 worldwide UK grades Paypal as F&F please PM me if interested Thanks Andy ++++++++++++++ Lee Williams and the Cymbals - Till you come back to me - Carnival 540 Ex £50
  8. Some coloured inner sleeves I use https://jazzmanrecords.co.uk/merchandise?format=18871%2C18992 White inner sleeves https://www.soundswholesaleltd.co.uk/7-white-paper-record-sleeves-free-delivery.html Coloured outer sleeves https://neo-online.co.uk/sleeves-wraps/card-sleeves-7-single/
  9. According to the internet importing from access into XL is relatively simple. There are instructions and tutorials including videos.
  10. There is another guy does these videos from Texas but he goes after late 50's early 60's type stuff from thrift stores. Its interesting to watch but sometimes I find myself shouting at the PC as he goes past what could be some really interesting soul stuff. He does know a bit as one video he found a Ruby - Feminine Ingenuity, and he knew it was 'that northern soul which the UK guys like'
  11. Surely this would be a WFT moment as we watch the scene die.
  12. Loads of channels on Youtube from the LA guys. There are also numerous CD's issued by them and can usually be found on Ebay. And last of all try turning your Northern 45's over and playing the flip...you'll probably find some interesting group harmony / low rider stuff that you already have
  13. Hi All We spend a small fortune on records, but often use ill-fitting cheap adapters to play them on the decks where 'wobble' can occur. So I decided to do something about it for myself, and thought about offering out to others also on SS. I have a small quantity of record adapters currently available. Prices are below with discount for two or more if you have double decks. These are manufactured from solid Stainless Steel or an alternative of solid Brass in the UK by precision engineers. These are heavy duty designed to push fit your 45 and keep it stable without any rotation deviation. The spindle hole is also designed to fit on the spindle without any movement, so no wobble on your adapter. Two types are available. The 'Tri Scoop' is a more rounded design, whereas the 'Tri Pin' is less so. The price list is as follows with a discount per unit for two or more. Note for buyers: for those who have asked about pricing, the similar product by a Japanese company are £50 (stainless) and £65 (brass) plus £20 Postage and VAT to pay. These are UK made, cheap post and no VAT. Any questions or orders please PM Cheers Andy Tri Scoop below, with Tri pin below that, and a video to show what they look like on the deck. Tri Scoop Deck.mp4
  14. Occasionally when I’ve googled Discogs a foreign version has been returned by the search. Don’t know why, maybe just a glitch from Discogs, but it’s happened on more than one occasion. I would guess that they host the site in various global locations for security and access purposes.
  15. You can get foreign versions of Discogs pop up. I’ve just checked out the Spanish and Italian version where there are only sellers from that country. Maybe that was what he saw ?

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