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Ian Parker

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Ian Parker last won the day on July 24 2024

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  • Interests
    Motorcycles, Live Music , Soul (The Whole spectrum), Boxing
  • Top Soul Sound
    AL Williams

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Community Answers

  1. i swear i havent heard this played, since late 70's . blimey
  2. Ian Parker

    Grantham squash club

    Next instalment of the monthly event, at this popular venue. This months guest, the skeg maestro, Mr mick Cooper Ample parking, direct access from A1 junction and A607.
  3. wheel attendee, i seem to recall. i did like his soul show, on radio 2
  4. nice playing copy wanted, anyone selling for a sensible price ?
  5. whoever paid £415 for frank lyndon, needs a heqd shake . i sold mine for 70, during lockdown, paid 30 for it, 2 years previous. strange how that fetched double the amount for the younghearts and van dykes.... the strange world etc
  6. me too. ive had an internal examination, 6 weeks ago. thankfully all clear. i just have age related issues (no explanation required) . get looked at guys.. one chap at work, had his prostate removed just before christmas, we had no idea he was even poorly. kept it quiet out of bravado and embarrassment, but hes so relieved, he talks about it openly now.
  7. Her duets with donny hathaway, were things of beauty. Very sad news.
  8. id like a copy, if anyone is selling a reasonably priced one ?
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  9. https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=jerry butler it seems very true, judging by all these posts. very sad news.
  10. Lots on FB, sadly it's true.
  11. a fabulous drummer. his boys brigade spell, gave him great stick control, that shows in every song he recorded on. as a fellow drummer, ive tried to emulate some of those songs, with little success. he was and always will be, a force behind a drum kit. very sad news RIP
  12. oh blimey. terrible terrible news
  13. Ian Parker

    Grantham Squash club

    Grantham Squash club returns, for the 2nd installment of this monthly event : DJ's Biz & Pete, plus this months guest, Mr Ian (one night only) Seaman . ample parking, easy access from A1 , sensible bar prices. £5 door charge. postcode : NG31 7JX
  14. not just me then, cant even listen to it.
  15. my late brother in law, used to frequent that place, also Wheel, Dungeon etc . i was a 16 year old kid, mesmerised by his tales. all we had , was Nottm palais and Wiggun . woulda loved to be a part of that era.

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