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Everything posted by Tubbs

  1. You are right Mike. Just went to register as a seller and it is US only which is a bummer. Managed to register to pay for stuff though. Which given the hassle I've had with paypal lately if I get offered the chance to pay by google checkout I will. Sorry folks for not checking facts first. Tubbs
  2. Thats a good question haven't paid for the item yet so not sure, just looked at the website to see what it was about. will go back and try and register. Tubbs
  3. Bought an item yesterday and was given the option to pay by google checkout. never heard of it before so had a look and it's basically another option to paypal. The good bit is if you are a seller there are no fees to pay until 2008. Link is below. https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogi...p;ltmpl=default Tubbs
  4. Postage free to UK rest at cost. Paypal or cheque accepted. Gary Ferguson There's a gift pompeii M- £25 NOW £20 (£50 ON JM' s LIST) Jimmy Norman this I beg of you Samar M- £10 NOW £8 Olympics Girl you're my kinda people WB M- DH £10 nOW £8 Du-ettes Please forgive me one-derful WHITE DEMO M- £20 NOW £18 (£40 ON JM's LIST) Apollas I'm under the influence of love/jive cat WB w/d M- £25 NOW £20 Carl Douglas I want to give you my everything 20th Cent M- £12 NOW £10 Bobby Hutton Loving you needing you/same ABC W/D mint- SOLD Dells it's all up to you Cadet Ex SOLD Eddie Holman I'll cry 1000 tears Bell demo M- £20 NOW £18 Anna King Mamas got a bag of her own End !st issue SOLD Ronnie Dyson Lady in red columbia W/d ex £25 NOW £22 PM or email gary.pratt at virgin.net (replace at with @ no spaces) Thanx for looking
  5. Would def say issue is harder seen loads of demos and only one issue. Tubbs
  6. Also been spinning this up in Aberdeen for a while now. Acetate has slightly diff intro to the French and German 45. Still none the wiser if this exists on a US 45 even though it was given a release number. Tubbs
  7. with ebay it's not the high bidder who decides the final price it's the 2nd highest. The 2nd high bidder always usualy loses out by £1 or whatever the bid increment is. So even if you had bid another £100 you may still not have won the item, you would've still lost out by £1. Tubbs
  8. Joe Mckeever Dance with me and Lee Mcdonald Let's play luck does it for me. Tubbs
  9. Aye but I'm Scottish and we are playing Italy. Aye you are still right though we are playing a diddy team near Spain as well.
  10. Didn't think we'd hear this show again apart from at new year must be 3 years since the last series is it? Typical though on the same night as International football. Hopefully there will be a listen again feature. Tubbs
  11. Thanx for the info everyone. Tubbs
  12. Can anyone tell me what colour the label is on the reissue of this lp please. I know the original is brown and white. Thanx Tubbs
  13. This just gets better. Got an email from paypal saying they couldn't find any evidence of the ladys account being tampered with so they have put the money back into my account. This was followed by an email from the lady saying she now wants the item since she has paid for it. Problem is I relisted the item again and it's sold but hasn't been paid for yet as they said they would send a cheque. Now I think is an appropriate time to go AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Tubbs
  14. Just got reply from the lady and she said they had changed her address. So this begs the next question. They must know someone at this address or how would they have got the item since it was being sent registered ? Tubbs
  15. I've emailed the lady to see what the story is but because it's a hotmail account it'll go to her junk mail so if she doesn't check that I won't get a reply. Tubbs PS Sorry posted topic in wrong forum, mods move it if you wish.
  16. For once I'm glad I've got a memory like a sieve. Sold an item on a buy it now on ebay, the buyer paid by paypal straight away so I packaged item up ready to take with me to work next day so I could post it at lunchtime. As per usual running late in morning so forgot to take item with me. Got home at night to read email from supposed buyer saying do not post item someone has been buying stuff off ebay with my name. There was also an email from paypal saying they had removed the money from my account until they complete an investigation. I still find it hard to believe that someone hacked into her ebay account and then hack into her paypal account to pay for it, but there you go. So I could've ended up with no money or the item. So sometimes it pays to have a crap memory. Tubbs
  17. Got mine off Craig Moerer for $150 next one he had few months later was $175 for a vg+ which was beginning of last year. Sell for around $150 on ebay when they come up. Tubbs
  18. I've had records stopped by customs and had to pay if the value on the customs sticker is more than $30 but when stopped by customs and value on sticker has been less than $30 I haven't. So looks like it could be a lottery. Soulboy
  19. Anyone have a copy of Devons Groovin with my thing on MrG for sale ? Cheers Tubbs
  20. Cheers for that Tubbs
  21. Anyone know how much Roy Smith Very good on you goes for ? Tubbs
  22. I'm sure there was a thread on here not long ago and think he closed it down because of spammers. Tubbs
  23. Another thing that puzzles me is he said he had the money in his paypal account before he got a chargeback a month later from paypal which he then used to buy the £10k worth of 45s what the f**k did he sell to get that much dough in his paypal account a ferrari ? you can only ask for 3 charge backs a year from paypal if you are a buyer. Is this a loophole to get a mate to put money in your paypal account you then spend the money then your mate makes a chargeback against you after you've spent all the dough. your mate then gets his money back and you've got 10k worth of 45's for f*** all. At the end of the day who spends 10k on 45s when they know they haven't got the money unless they are up to something. Tubbs
  24. Yes it is coincidence the only person I spoke about this to this week was Riddell. I put a bit about this on soulboys a few weeks ago so maybe Mr Ecclescake got his idea from there. Anyway how much soul nights there are on in Edinburgh has nothing to do with me as I'm not putting any on there. Tubbs
  25. What I can't understand is paypal gave him the money back so why can't he pay for the records. Also if i buy a record through paypal but don't have funds in my paypal account then it gets charged to my credit card why didn't this happen to Diego's credit card as you can't open an account without registering one. Wasn't there a few bootlegs came out of italy recently maybe he needed matrix numbers label scans etc for some bootlegs. just a thought. Tubbs

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