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Everything posted by Tubbs

  1. Patti Austin I've given all my love must be at least vg++ original only, please state price and condition.
  2. could be the tourists you've seen it's quite common
  3. 3 on discogs cheapest £180
  4. Knew I had a proper Goldmine released cassette the essential north west soul collection GSMC101X, also have the major lance live at the torch and a kent cassette for dancers only KENC 805 Are there any others ?
  5. chesterfields think it over
  6. For our anniversary do in 2003 at the Belmont in Aberdeen we got Butch, John Weston, Keith Money and Alan Paterson as guest dj's here is the video of Butchs spot videod by the gasher. Better to watch on a mobile as pic deteriorates the bigger the screen
  7. Rangers used to play Betty Everett getting mighty crowded at euro games
  8. laurel aitken sweet precious love must be at least ex condition please
  9. Thank you very much
  10. 1hr 23 min 44 sec into the vid
  11. Well chuffed for sepias family that they got such a nice price. I sold 26 of the 100 club 45s to sepia 4 years ago and he continued to get the full set for the last 3 years. I'd never been to the 100 club in my life so all were bought from various sources except the melba moore which turned up in the 2nd hand record shop in Aberdeen so i traded something for it.
  12. moby sampling barbara lynn i'm a good woman
  13. you'll find loads here type in an artist in the search box https://www.whosampled.com/
  14. Few for sale pm or email me gary.pratt at virgin.net. Postage £1.20 recorded and special delivery extra.. Payment by paypal gift if possible cash or cheque SAM BUTLER I CAN'T GET OVER (LOVING YOU)/same both sides SRI WHITE DEMO m- SOLD AMANDA LOVE YOU KEEP CALLING ME BY HER NAME /I DON'T MIND STARVILLE EX WOL was £25 now £20 ROY REDMOND THAT OLD TIME FEELING UK WARNER BROS DEMO EX was £30 now £20 BEN E KING HAPPINESS IS WHERE YOU FIND IT UK ONLY ATLANTIC EX was £30 now £20(great 70's) Thanx for looking
  15. Few for sale pm or email me gary.pratt at virgin.net. Postage £1.20 recorded and special delivery extra.. Payment by paypal gift if possible cash or cheque CONNY VAN DYKE DON'T DO NOTHING I WOULDN'T DO/ THE WORDS WON'T COME WHEELSVILLE VG++ SOLD (fantastic double sider) SAM BUTLER I CAN'T GET OVER (LOVING YOU)/same both sides SRI WHITE DEMO m- £180 much harder to find on a demo AMANDA LOVE YOU KEEP CALLING ME BY HER NAME /I DON'T MIND STARVILLE EX WOL £25 ROY REDMOND THAT OLD TIME FEELING UK WARNER BROS DEMO EX £30 BEN E KING HAPPINESS IS WHERE YOU FIND IT UK ONLY ATLANTIC EX £30 (great 70's) Thanx for looking
  16. Did ask on here bout this 45 few years ago to see if anyone had a demo to see if they were the same, never got a reply so looks like issue only. wax museum had this in their auction 3 or 4 months in a row and 3 copies ended up in Aberdeen all now been sold on.
  17. anyone know who it is ? price ?
  18. does have the same cat no as the us copy but very much doubt there is an official josie label in jamaica
  19. just bought it from a jamaican dealer so it's probably a jamaican press then, he had it listed as a US copy
  20. label looks typed to me not printed also never seen the josie logo in red before so is it a test press
  21. Tubbs

    Lost Records

    if you listed as many of the 45s you can remember then folk could look out for them at record shops, ebay, soul nights etc

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