picture bags are a bit like football --they can be divided into leages-you get the lowest ones which are--eg supremes baby love--record worth 2 quid picure bag worth 20 quid--go up a leauge you get stuff like tammi terrell--this old heart record 8quid picture bag 30 quid----then comes the french eps jackie ross selfish one plus 3 more-- selfish one on its own 15 quid however on french with sleeve 65 quid--ray pollard united artists outings 80-100 quid each on the french ep with sleeve 300 hundred--then there are the rare singles with bags a couple of which have been mentioned- sam fletcher jessie davies--then come the greek-italian-dutch etc bags which are stunning---could go on and on but i think you get the jist of it-------GREAT THREAD ---EXCUSE SPELLING im only a simple girl-------------ljo