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Jo Law

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Everything posted by Jo Law

  1. Still need this please--thanks
  2. Sea shells QUIET HOME --VILLIGE please pm with price and condition if you have one to sell--thanks
  3. Love this label--been trying to get all the issues of the girlie tunes for years--but Fay Crawford What have i done wrong springs to mind--have to think about the other two
  4. So what is GS 374001 TX-- Associated to----same record
  5. I like some x/over but as you know my love lies with the mid tempo girlies of the 6ts--a very nice man on here helped me out with poor boy--would be good to catch up with you sometime---take care jo
  6. dream team--some memories there me thinks--how are you old friend
  7. Barbara Mason--you better stop----Implements--look over your shoulder--Neo Experience--Human--Carrie Cleveland --love will set you free--Poor Boy and the Orphans--i know she loves me---
  8. Do you mean Ronnie West Lil Woman on Goins--if so about 150 pounds for a minter
  9. Also recorded under the name UNITY and THREE MILLION--
  10. Wanda Butler
  11. pmd you
  12. Than kyou for all the pms--NOW SORTED
  13. Honey & The Bees Jing Jing A Ling Chess 2088 please--pm with price and condition--thank you
  14. That the one--FALSE PROPHET--FORGOTTEN LOVE--and if you check back through some old sales it was posted on here--
  15. This record HAS been uncovered--got the scriblings some place around--and theres a few more members on here know what it is but are obviously keeping quiet,cause they want to find one
  16. Was this not uncovered last year---
  17. Sunday crossover/chill out room was magic-- superb music from all the guys--LOVED IT--The whole weekend was top drawer music from start to finish
  18. Andy is this the same tune as the unnisued val simpson track---if so might be able to help--jo
  19. Lead singer with the Crests i think
  20. Fantastic--gives me a rest
  21. Its on the BREAKING IN TO MY HEART CD--
  22. same here--bid on loads and got outbid--maybe not dominates NIGHTS but still goes down a storm on sunday chillouts

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