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Jo Law

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Everything posted by Jo Law

  1. First heard this 5 or 6 years ago at a midtempo night and then last month at the greatstone in stretford-- should be played out more imvho cheap as chips it is as well----but maybe thats why it doesnt get played---shame really its a real floater sits very nicely with dee edwards on tuba--another cheapie
  2. Jo Law


    Clamike is part of the o-gee set up --gladys- od jamison etc--ila van did a cracker on this label called what you mean to me clamike 502
  3. OOOOOOODEAR ME made a right bloody mess of that----sorry
  4. A few i played today LINDA QUEEN WHERE CAN MY BABY BE -----------------------------------THE JOYS OF LIFE GOOD TIMES ARE OVER---------------------------------FOURCOUNTS HOME IN LOVELAND-------------------------------------------TOMMY JAY TENDER LOVE-----------------------------------------------------KAVETTS STAY WITH ME-------------------------------------------------------KAREN SUE SOMETHING ON MY MIND----------------------------------------LEN WADE WHATCHA GONNA DO---------------------------------------------SANDRA STEPHENS IF YOU REALLY LOVE ME--------------------------------ILA VAN WHAT YOU MEAN TO ME---------------------------------------------SPANIELS MAYBE---------------------------------------------------------------DEMETRUSS TAPP LET GO OF MY HEART-------------------------------------DEANS LADY OF THE CARAVAN-----------------------------------------------RONNIE WEST LIL WOMAN----------------------------------------------------AZIE MORTIMER TREAT ME LIKE YOU LOVE ME
  5. This was played a few years back-- it was covered up and slowed down to sound like a male artist--like they do on the popcorn stuff
  6. Very nice--the other side is good as well---jo
  7. Gwenn Douglass on Michelle still does it for me 2 wonderful sides--but then im a sucker for them there girlies
  8. Thanks paul this could be the one---need to find a copy--then ill know jo
  9. Really nice vocals but a bit messy--- C from me jo
  10. Can anyone help me out with this please---chorus goes something like this----Im in love with my best friends man i hope some day she'll understand i just couldnt help myself----ITS FEMALE MIDTEMPO thats all i know------any help with artist-- title --label would be appreciated thanks jo
  11. i too am on a self imposed ban till after new year but its not working i keep telling myself its my xmas present to myself----really must try harder and think of the kids---but oooooohhh its so hard---any how my excuse is the kids are nearly as old as me---- give or take the odd 20 years
  12. Atlantic 2514 ill keep believing/on bended knees 1968-great record :o jo
  13. seen on ebay for 40 pounds---sometimes a bit cheaper--shane can not pick your emails up try offline on jo271150@aol.com
  14. if you look at the ogee stuff you will more often than not see o d jamison on the credits---- related to gay jamison --also recorded under the name of gladys patrick fondly known as gladys(gladrags) patrick--she also was the co writer of a lot of ogee stuff----more useless info to follow---jo :o
  15. i dont have a scanner chalky but if alan or lee is reading this they may offer to do it for me---cmon lads damsel in distress----jo
  16. will do chalky--may take a few days to dig the records out ill list the colours as well remember yellow white buff and red--- jo
  17. the lady in question is non other than gay jamison--she recorded on a lot of the ogee stuff sometimes as gladys--miss gay jamison and did a good one on turntable called stay another day-- shane if you email me i will do you a tape of all her stuff and send you more info --jo
  18. mark were any of the daddy maxfields you picked up issues as i need a trade for a demo---jo
  19. paul email me ---confused i have owned the b20 jo for years jo271150@aol.com
  20. sorry i have to disagree with you on this one moniques version is far superior to the dottie and millie---more soulfull in my opinion
  21. chalky--my apologies---yes the gladys are yellow---the august moon is cream---but then there is the white and the red which gay jamison recorded on ====same lady that recorded on turntable---are all these one of the same----sorry to be a pain
  22. Thanks chalky---is that it just the three-----and is the red o gee label the same as the one you have listed for me -- thats cream in colour--and if it is which came first. the red or the cream--this label confuses me----any more help would be great thanks
  23. Mine has to be Belita Woods----Thats when ill stop loving you---Moira--- it just rips my heart apart----sheer class
  24. Would appreciate any info--discography etc on the o gee label thanks
  25. hello there--- can you post a track listing of this tape up please---thanks

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