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Everything posted by Dekka

  1. Have to agree with the Liz Lands track, I played it out at smooth Soul in newark, it went down a storm.
  2. Bloody Hell kev, never seen you move as quick
  3. As soon as I heard Johnnie Taylor singing his style of blues, that was me hooked, i never expected that one. A real eclectic mix of sounds that had me drooling. The boy done good. Looking forward to you spining tunes again for us Steve, should be a real treat. Hope to see you and your good lady at the RAFA in March (my birthday) Yeah
  4. Last night at the Deincourt and Smooth Soul went out with a bang. The 2 Pete's and the 2 Steve's showed what master craftsmen they are. 4 sets of absolute sublime quality. It was a privilege to be there, well done boys and get your play lists up. I rounded off the night with a mixture of Rhythm and Blues and a few odds and ends. Here's my playlist The Miracles - Mighty Good Lovin' - Tamla Otis Clay - She's about a mover - cotillion The Larks - Mickey's east coast jerk - Money Johnny Otis - Country Girl - Kent Junior Wells - Little by little - Profile Willie Mabon - Got to have some - Formal Ray Charles - You're just about to lose your clown - ABC-Paramount Jesse G - Get in the Groove - Kapp Chris Clark - Love's gone bad - VIP Harold Burrage - She knocks me out - Vivid David Morris - Stoned on love - Radnor Mongo Santamaria - We got latin soul - Columbia Looking forward to our new home at the RAFA club
  5. I must say, the promoter at my little soul night in Newark Smooth Soul Pete (Caveman) does care and now has a policy of all guest dj's and residents after 10.00 play OVO. This does allow some local dj's to play their wares before 10.00 to cater for the 10%. I think this bares out the poll and it does show that Promoters do take notice of this. S&F dekka
  6. Cheeky bugger, I'm good mate, hope to be out and about soon now things have levelled off a bit, Looking forward to Sri Lanka end of March with the barmy army, a bit like being out with you
  7. My plate is X5 5OUL I wonder how much it's worth, mmmmmm
  8. Maybe we should just call it the Phil Kowalski sound. Being a friday night regular I agree with everything Terry says, it's something you felt and it's something that will always stay with you. when I walked up them stairs and into that room I just felt I belonged and that the music that was playing was my music and at last i'd fooking found it. I think we have all at some point found that feeling, for me it was Burnley, for others wigan, Stafford etc S&F dekka
  9. Ride your pony and especially the flip Trouble with my lover on sansu definitely my pride and joy in my collection. Has she ever been to England? if not, why not? S&F dekka
  10. I have this in my collection along with A flame in your heart - one-derful, they need to be heard out more Amazing voice, Amazing artist
  11. Many thanks for the compliment mate. I loved the look on your face when I showed you a 'real' copy of Lee Webber - Seventh Son - Excello I didn't get chance to play it, maybe next time when you're down atb dekka
  12. Excellent night last night, amazing tunes by amazing people, a fitting tribute to our own Soul for Hero. I finished off the night and hopefully sent peeps home happy and shattered. Here's my playlist The Steppers - Come on and get it - Aware O.V. Wright - Into something (can't shake loose) - Hi Bobby Paterson & the Mustangs - Don't be so mean - Jetstar Ray Agee - Leave me alone - Krafton Ray Charles - I don't need no doctor - abc Z.Z. Hill - No more doggin - Kent Jimmy Hughes - I'm a man of action - Fame Raful Neal - You don't love me no more - Whit Aaron Neville - A hard nut to crack - Parlo Liz lands - One man's poison - One-derful Fred Hughes - Walk on back to you - Exodus Earl Cosby - Ooh honey baby - Mira Syl Johnson - Try me - Twilight The Capitols - Ain't that terrible - Karen Next Smooth Soul instalment Friday 3rd February, see ya there
  13. Complications from Leukemia, sad day, RIP Etta will play one of my favourites 'Tighten up your own thing' Cadet at Pete watkins birthday bash tonight.
  14. Just heard it on the divshare link, must say, like Kev I thought it was a super job and yes Pete Waterman was the right guy to narrate it.
  15. Sent a bit, hope it helps
  16. I was there that night, it absolutely blew me and imber away, Have since purchased the LP
  17. I don't do Blackpool, I don't do weekenders anymore So it does'nt shock me. I choose my venue's very carefully these day's
  18. Calvin Arnold, amazing tune...I have it myself
  19. Hi Mate No offence taken. I was just giving examples (Burnley & just Soul) purely to express my views, that i believe club's should have a distinct policy and stick to it Cheers kev, hope to see you soon mate
  20. Totally agree mate It's something Burnley should remember for next time. Modern soul events (weekenders and places like 'just soul') do not compromise their policy and why the hell should they!! I go to these events to hear quality Modern soul. I was a regular on a friday night at Burnley to hear quality 60's uptempo R&B and nothing else. That was the Burnley policy and I believe it should broadly stick to that policy to this day. All things for all people doesn't work in my opinion, a club has to have an identity and a clear direction. IMHO of course
  21. I admire your honesty Kev Look forward to getting to the cracker one of these days. ATB dekka p.s I did think you were gonna kick off though
  22. Agree with that, but was bloody cold in the winter, if you didn't dance you would end up with frostbite, happy days indeed
  23. Give me Lifeline, Bidds, Burnley, 100 club anyday, but then again I'm a regular nighter person, Have stopped doing, be all catch all, dross, be it weekenders or nights.
  24. As I don't live in the past, reflecting on my glory days, I was thinking more present day (100 club, Burnley),
  25. What the hell is this 3 room shite all about? One room with one identity, stop this, be all catch all, mentality. Also, wake up to the real world, there's a fookin recession on for gods sake, peeps have to spend there money wisely.

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