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Everything posted by Dekka

  1. Have 2 spare tickets for the test match on saturday at Headingley for sale, £25 each for Western terrace. please pm if interested atb dekka
  2. Blockbuster - The Sweet
  3. Thanks for this Shame cos both sides are really good IMHO
  4. Bettye Lavette - Right Outta Time - Detroit1 Demo 2 Questions Is this a boot? How much is it worth? atb dekka
  5. Genghis Khan Attila the Hun Jesus Three Muskateers Frodo baggins There may be a few more
  6. Here's mine, played out last month Joe mathews - We got a good thing going - Thelma The Webs - Give in - Popside The magnificent men - Ive got news - Capitol Jean wells - With my love and what you got - Calla Dramatics - All because of you - Sport atb dekka
  7. Soz mate, cool tunes baz, was only jesting atb dekka
  8. Bloody hell, has the dog died
  9. Hi mate We had this debate not too long ago, opinion was 'mixed' Hope you're well and see you at the Isle of Wight
  10. No bother mate Just telling the truth
  11. Couldn't happen to a better bloke, Mark, i've met you on several occasions at nighters over the years, always dancing and always friendly. As a dj and dancer Karl Heard had no equal, but if there was ever to be a successor I reckon you are that man S&F dekka
  12. Mate I understand your statement and totally agree but It does smack of a touch bit Arrogant Surely a promoter needs to understand his region and the punters that can regularly attend, otherwise, as I think what has happened in the South of our country at allnighters peeps numbers will be in short supply. In the North, thankfully where i'm from, the allnigher scene is in good hands and shall persevere and continually be the Torch bearer, sorry for the pun
  13. Great philosophy you have there mate, pity not more like you atb dekka
  14. Me too, SX200 Leeds United colours
  15. I must say I followed Karl around like a fookin stalker Burnley, Barnsley, 100 club, Lifeline etc, where ever it was he always played to 'fit the bill' Fresh and exciting, quality. I reckon the scene is alot worse off without him. A big mans shoes and no one, has yet quite filled them
  16. Think it's just a waste of time now this thread, the people everyone are talking about have buggered off to Brid
  17. Thanks for those kind words mate Always a gentleman, it's a pleasure to know you
  18. There are 'Soul' nights that even have a disclaimer stating that 'what you are paying for is boot and re-issue' I kid you not, unbelievable. Talk about fighting against the tide, even King Canute wouldn't bother. OVO,or BIN IT
  19. Hi mate pm'd ya atb dekka
  20. 1 for sale on discogs mate atb dekka
  21. I must say what a fookin fantastic set, right up my street That double deck hour with Steve was one of the best all night
  22. I first heard it at six hills alnighter a few years ago now was that you who played it Nige?
  23. Well said mate Surely we're not gonna go down the ovo, 1st issue etc road with Expansion, or are we
  24. Cheers mate Just bought the last one
  25. I must say mate, never really heard that much doo wop on the niter scene, but then again, would never do venues that played it, so that's really just a personal thing. I think if I was driving through Monte carlo with the car top down, then, Summer Breeze, Isley Brothers, would be perfect

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