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Everything posted by Dekka

  1. Eddy As another 'sunnie virgin' and someone who has no idea who you are, maybe you should find out more before you open your big mouth, What Simon is saying is quite true, Barry Sparkle on the meet and greet just isn't good enough, maybe a few words to us all whilst we picked up our arm bands would have immediately brought us to your attention as newbies. We then could have been properly introduced and maybe some of your 'helpers' could have given us a 'low down' on what to expect for the week. We may then have been encouraged to attend the afternoon sessions. By the way how many afternoon sessions did youy require to fix the outdoors sound system, cos it never worked properly all week. I find your tone in your reply quite aggresive, especially as a paying customer had a grievance, albeit as he says 'a minor one' If I spoke to my clients who came to me with a grievance as you have spoken to Simon, I wouldn't be in a job very long. I hope you find this constructive critisism and not 'having a go at you' dekka
  2. One mans Wheat is another mans Chaff At least with the multitude of events like minded people can find themselves I wanna hear American 50's and early 60's Rythym and Blues, British Rythym and Blues and Ska, very few places playing that, thank God for Soul Source. I can't stand that bloody word 'WIGAN' so if i'm the Chaff then so be it, but, I know what!! I would rather shoot the Wheat than the Chaff
  3. Don't take it too hard
  4. I must say i'm shocked but not surprised, should I be bothered? well looking at the big name line up, couldn't give a toss
  5. I very rarely go and I certainly don't stand over they're shoulder, however, I thought these were the big boys. Maybe they play LVO, wonder if any of them could clarify things
  6. Russ As your replying to Pete's post, are saying stoke Kings Hall do not play original vinyl mystified now Or have I missunderstood atb dekka
  7. Hope it ain't the South Yorkshire Soul Police, i've already noticed some edited posts
  8. Wind up or not, most people like this answer, so I reckon the answer is LVO/LFO as a rule of thumb
  9. When it becomes an underground thing
  10. Are you boys telling the truth? I sometimes think i'm not right in the head, but you boys there ain't no hope for ya
  11. Hi Russ Please don't take it to heart, take a step back and re-charge, the scene can't afford to lose good people like yourself. I for one am suffering with a lack of enthusiasm at the moment, nightering was my life, but now re-charging and hopefully through these forums and hearing others enthusiasm it may just rekindle my spark. atb dekka
  12. But there are formats krissi, thats why your making no sense, without the original format being preserved, there would be no MP3, or boots, or reissues etc and thats the whole point
  13. The events would never take place, The reason we have always gone to these events is to hear records we would never own or have never heard of These boys have spent a lifetime collecting and deserve repect. If it was all on MP3 we would all have the music and all have no respect
  14. Bloody Hell, I can't believe i'm agreeing with Chalky. My Mojo has well n truly fooked off, thankfully I have the scooter scene
  15. Keep on doing what you wanna do Brummymick I'm still gob smacked 3 posters on here are blissfully unaware 3 'big names' are (occasionaly) using Laptops Have a go at the little man in the little town, local only and not nationally advertised but when big man does it and nationally advertise, keep gob shut
  16. Never stopped buying records because I thought I should, just moved into different genres as my life progressed. However, full circle through e bay, buying up records that I missed out on
  17. I heard Kev had records stolen from the boot of his car once, only hearsay but it could explain at these soul events why he uses his laptop.
  18. I agree with you Kev, people I have got to know personally (please don't ask me to name them, Dave) Do it for the love
  19. I must say i've enjoyed reading this thread, it seems most if not all have had many varied influences, but then thats what may define us, we are receptive to music
  20. Bloody Hell Dave I never said "on a regular basis", and your taking it out of context with my reply to Harry, and yes a laptop on a boat would have been prudent. Ok, 'lots' may imply more than 3, but you asked for names 'in the plural' and thats what you got. However, like you with the boat, and kev at Long Eaton or Colin and Richard, wherever, I for one, do Not see a ploblem when they're used at an event such as Harry implied and you and your boat. Good God man
  21. Go on Goldsoul - Long Eaton Soul nights 2010 - gallery-image 65 Mr kev Roberts with a lap top, so now thats 3 'big names' been identified Do you want me to do some backflips while i'm at it, it wasn't hard to research with the information I gave you or is it that, you daren't name people? But as I said in relation to the post from Harry, it wasn't advertised as ovo, 'bigname dj's are using laptops (I didn't say exclusively) and it is what it is, satisfied now
  22. This particular night wasn't an ovo advertised night, so what does it matter who they are, like I say it is what it is, why do you keep pushing?
  23. Went to a night in Long Eaton a few years ago on our way to the Stafford re-union, 2 rooms upstairs, lap tops and 'big names', there are others. Also, not being funny, I wasn't dissing it, it is what it is
  24. Stanley Unwin in the house, deep joy
  25. I quite like Aldi

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