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Everything posted by Dekka

  1. I guess your right mate, just love my early British RnB, especially the Kinks I have the first 2 albums and just love them so much
  2. Ok Pete, how ya doin mate sorry gene, my apoligies
  3. Thanks for that, I will make sure I never ever, go to hear aka cockney mick, at any scooter rally I go to Cos if he thinks the first 2 Kinks albums are shit then he is an absolute knob shite and I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire, or you for that matter, but then again I bet neither of you have heard the first 2 Kinks albums. absolute w****rs
  4. Thanks for the heads up on this, looks just up my street, never heard of it before, probs combine it with a full wend up that london, finishing off in the 100 club on the sat nite. cheers
  5. What is your point and why are you constantly sniping at scooter events, scooter events by definition are not soul events, they cater for a wide variety of music genres. by the way are you the soul police? 'I like the tangeers and you don't therefore I am better than you' smacks of pretentious p***k
  6. As a fat scooterist I much prefer The Snake to the tangeers Let my heart and soul be free, or This empty place boring bloody rubbish
  7. Highlight of the year for me was organising the Newark on Trent Scooter Club, 'scooter/soul' nights wanted to do something a little different but keep it within the ethos of a scooter night, brought in a young lad Joel to play British RnB, after our first night, Steve Johnson said to me "Thats the best scooter night i've ever been to" High praise indeed Merry christmas and a Happy new year to all you SS's
  8. Congratulations everyone , Three days and Thirty Seven posts and the thread has not yet slipped into a Cyber-Brawl. I have read this thread from top to bottom , maybe the first one ever on SS . I can honestly say I cannot pick a sour point out on it . All points being made are true and the way our beloved scene has gone. I think it's out of respect for the genuineness of the post and poster and the belief that one day if we all can pull together we will find the Holy Grail. As for asking a dj to play 'something different' to what is advertised on the tin, could be asking for trouble, how many times have we read on here or seen for ourselves dj's suffering extreme verbal abuse from punters. And I have to say it's the 'oldies' brigade who are the most vocal and vicious. Club Utopia, well, we can all dream.
  9. Hi mate, how ya doin not seen you and Billy and the boys for a while, Think Terry is in a place most of us reached a while back, maybe we've been there done it and there's nothing new anymore. Ad-Lib has been mentioned but thats not new, down stairs at Middleton was doing it over 10 years ago, however, to be fair ad-lib is one of the few now flying the torch, especially early soul and ska. Perhaps Terry shouldn't expand on those points, as it may well upset some people. Think perhaps Kev has a good point, underground word of mouth club, I think we are all now ready to move on to that.
  10. Hi mate, maybe if you could clarify these couple of points 1) Frustrates the hell out of me because I see the DJ’s they have on and know the depth of their boxes. They are driven by the belief that this is what is wanted of them. 2) It is an ideal place to go along and see some old friends that are married to the Stepford Wives of Soul but I leave with a bitter taste in my mouth. It appears your highly disillusioned and people saying 'just accept it and enjoy it', isn't good enough anymore, am I right
  11. I always stay true to my faith, Leeds Leeds How are you mate
  12. Think it may just be down to Geographics mate, Manchester and Leeds have a different scene alltogether, more varied and more upfront with their tastes, perhaps it's hereditory. It seems to me as though most people of this ilk you are talking about tagged along to wigan a few times but never any where else since and so are stuck in a time warp. All they seem to know is what is on a nineties goldsoul cd's and what the sleeve notes are telling them, this was wigan, this was stafford etc, infact some dj's playlist read like a nineties goldmine cd track list, why do they do it, is it just for bookings? if they are worthy of better why do they sell their soul, so to speak, maybe it's all about their ego, who knows Theres one thing, wherever the crowd go, I go the other way.
  13. Cleethorpes scooter rally was fantastic this year on the saturday night in the Pier, Hopefully, we will be in it, at next years rally weekend
  14. Would be good to match up the signature Steve to see if it corresponds with Rays signature on the second album cover which I have as a prize possession (just to authenticate the album) Not bad for a charity shop find and it's along with the rest of the bands signatures.
  15. It's the best thing can ever happen, stop all those bloody beat ballads towards the end of peoples sets, when it's only half way throught he night. Why do they do it, is it cos they're gonna bugger off as soon as their set is finished.
  16. I think the most ironic thing here, is that her dancing and the song go well together, But, I would hazard a guess, by the way she dresses, she would dismiss this song, as being Modern and so wouldn't give it the time of day, imho
  17. Anyone have this and wants to sell, please pm me
  18. Just played the 'Why do You' as i've never played it before, strangely think it lasted 50 seconds before I quickly turned it off, I shall never play it again But then 'Stuck' is one of my favourites and can never get played enough, imho
  19. Willie Small - How High Can A Man Fly - Jessica I'm now the proud owner of this record, thankyou boys Had a few beers saturday night so couldn't remember the title of this track, thanks for the playlist
  20. Totally agree with youe sentiments Mike, but not so sure todays 'soulie's with their 'soulie friends' having 'soulie fun' wearing their 'soulie skirts' and 'soulie vests' would quite get Georgie Fame georgie fame - last night - Reprise, or georgie fame - seventh Son - CBS I think Georgie Fame has totally passed them by
  21. Them - Times getting tougher than tough, better by far than the great Jimmy Witherspoon version. Loads and loads more examples of British bands playing better Rythym and Blues than the original artist, but then again, it could just be down to preferences. Even so, it's about time people woke and gave these boys the credit they deserve

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