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Everything posted by Dekka

  1. To be honest If you believe all those 3 sentenances then you know absolutely nothing, in fact it's quite disgracefull the disrespect you are showing
  2. Did you even know he was on the tour until I told you, I doubt it
  3. Lost intersest half way through, bloody twaddle, karen carpenter? whats all that about, repeat all you want, your disertation is boring. Georgie Fame was the only British artist on the motown revue tour, now ain't that saying something, black american soul artists paying homage and tribute to a white brit. FFS
  4. Hi Paul I didn't mean to be rude, but am I missing something here? Is his part sales list too big to print, I don't know someone please enlighten me as to whats going on atb dekka
  5. Is this a joke
  6. I used to subscribe in the nineties, infact I still have most of them, didn't realise it was still going. Anyone have any contact details, wouldn't mind recieving it once more
  7. Do you have Charles Spurling - She cried just a minute? If so please pm with a price ta
  8. Bugger, anyone else got Charles Spurling for sale?
  9. Look forward to seeing you mate Gone off modern soul now anyway, prefer early 6ts British RnB, Always was one to go the other bloody way to everyone else Keep ya lamby upright and straight, see ya soon
  10. Aye up barney how ya doing? are you going Scarboro? The original poster asked and I quote "What was your gateway or early introduction to the infectious modern soul vibe" I gave an answer as to when my gateway was and how I appreciated that introduction, especially as I regard (my opinion) what gets played in the main room at stoke as drivel. It's your answer that is condescending, especially as you make no attempt to answer the poster's question, your just making a cheap dig Anyway just abit of banter, hope to see you at Scarboro, ain't seen you for a while
  11. Fantastic set mate, as always No cheese and crackers at cream cracker, not even biscuits your face when I walked on stage with those biscuits was an absolute picture
  12. Why have you turned this into an X factor style sing off between Black and White If you think people like Georgie fame ain't got soul then you are seriously missing the point
  13. Rob and Dean Douglas - Phone me Deram magic. Soul music is unique to you, it's all about having an introduction
  14. Eyes of Blue - Supermarket full of cans Welsh blue eyed soul/RnB of the highest order
  15. Upstairs room at Stoke late nineties early 2000's, Curtis, Maleady,Hinsley to name a few, Pretwich as well Only time I enjoyed Stoke, couldn't stand that drivel they play downstairs
  16. Are you clearing some space for British RnB Andy
  17. Be good to light the fire with
  18. All her songs sound exactly like northern soul to me
  19. Robbo's last hour at Middleton must rank as the best finishing hour ever
  20. Gelderd KTF
  21. You lucky so and so, how cool is that
  22. Andantes at prestatyn, just moved me to tears when they burst into tears, thousands of Brits singing back to them their every word, amazing experience and especially as I shared it with my mates
  23. 1) Cherry menthol, (how anyone can eat them is beyond me) 2) strawberry spangles (Yuk) 3) blackcurrant spangles (even more Yuk
  24. Yes, apology rescinded amen to that man, my original thoughts of you were right

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