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Steve L

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Everything posted by Steve L

  1. Absolutely!
  2. Beam me up Scotty
  3. You'd need a brain to to that
  4. no you need to be on FB or you've shot it
  5. Great news KFC, COCO (the clown) RIGHT ON,etc etc
  6. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/121303396289?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  7. Surprised no ones mentioned this before, they've been on ebay for weeks - wankers
  8. What were the questions?
  9. Matt "big nighter tunes" to me mean those played at Lifeline, burnley, 100 club and similar venues. It means (relatively) new discoveries/plays or forgotten/reactivated ones with some imagination. Whatever is rocking the floor at Kings hall or any other mainly oldies venue isn't the same thing (to me anyway) - if you listed what these were it would be just the top 500 ( with a few exceptions) wouldn't it?
  10. One thing is for sure, there's been some great records played in recent times as this thread shows. A nice antidote to the one show bollox and what the scene should be about, pity it won't get as much attention. The right people and the right venues are out there
  11. Someone had to
  12. Just to repeat whats already been mentioned, for me the top ones have been Mighty Lovers c/u ( the best of the lot ) Jean Carter Parliaments Primers Top class as good as anything ever played IMO
  13. And for most of 79, it was late 79 and into 1980 when they noticeably started disappearing I reckon.
  14. Just getting the thread started & warmed up ready to go………………………….
  15. I've still got that youth
  16. As a 13 year old in 1974 this was part of my initiation to the northern scene. Didn't know any better so thought it was great, still got the copy I bought then - only of nostalgia value to me now
  17. 3am, a dark dingy room somewhere in the north of England, you're in "the zone" Lester Tipton comes on……. Need I say more? Thats what its all about for me…………………..
  18. Russ I agree with everything you say but I've heard you (and others) say many times "when the tourists have got bored gone and the last drop's been squeezed out" etc etc…. well there aint no sign of it happening anytime soon I'm sorry to say
  19. OK all you "thank f*ck I'd stopped going by then" types What about Footsee, Wayne Gibson, Javells etc etc…….1974/5 wasn't it? No it can't have been cos everything was perfect then
  20. I'd just started going then so it was all new and fantastic for me although looking at that list I can understand people thinking it was shite. I'm sure there would have been plenty of good records played that night as well. Fortunately as has been mentioned many times, searlings late Wigan golden period was just around the corner
  21. One good thing about FB that no one's mentioned is the chance to connect with the artists, got quite a few as friends on there. A situation that you couldn't have dreamed of 20 years ago!
  22. I agree with Bearsy, FB is good fun sometimes and one of the reasons for me is its a great source of old photos from people I know and also don't know (Gethros "where are they now" page in particular) Soul Source is still my no1 port of call though and is unrivalled for info on this great scene and music of ours I also think the events section is its one downfall though, nowhere near as good as it used to be but its not the end of the world
  23. Anyone want to buy a kidney?
  24. Whoever trickiedickie is he should be guided towards some form of help for his own good Absolutely unbelievable

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