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Everything posted by MarkWhiteley

  1. I know this is coming from an outsider, and I'm not really 'in' with it, but I think after everyone's recieved there discs, you should all vote in a pole to who's is the best and sell the one that comes up trmps in the sales forum. That way, I can get my hands on one! ;-) Just a thought...
  2. Have emailed you regarding Ruby Sherry.
  3. I know it's not 60s (so therefor is off-topic, but what the hell - that's my style!!), but I'm getting to really like Paul Weller - 'Wishing On A Star', and incodentally, Weller is a big soul fan, or so I heard...
  4. Looking for 'Your Sweet Love' on Petcol & 'It's Real' on Soul King, both by Nelson Sanders. I've looked on Gemm and there is a copy of 'It's real' listed. I have emailed the seller but as yet have had no reply. Sex - 'It's You (Baby It's You)' - sounbite required please. Listened to Ovenchip's but it cuts short 30 secs in. The start sounds awesome but I really need to hear it in full before I consider buying. And also... I used to use a soundbite site owned by a guy named Nick Rennie (had 'freeserve' in the address I think), but have lost all bookmarks after PC re-boot. All help appreciated.
  5. Last two on eBay: £650GBP & £800GBP, CDKM's listing one for £1,000 and have seen one for £750, can't remember where though... I picked a blue one up cheap (£100), and there are some WD's knocking about too. Hope this helps
  6. Have seen Ray Roberts at £200 on Bo Ro and Manship's price gide says £100 on Ninandi.
  7. No sorry Jordi, can't help. Have tried Manship, Google, Lycos, only listings are on playlists. Have just listened to Chet and I'm afraid I have to say it's totally shite in comparison to the TJ. Weak, empty, out of tune... The list goes on...
  8. I've seen scans of the red labels and I own a white demo, but what are the blue ones? I picked it up for £100 off a mate so please tell me it int a boot...
  9. Are the boots the blue Tra-x copies?
  10. No no no no no no no no no no no no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I won't have it!!!! I want the Traffic Jam!!!!!!!!! No more, no less!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You won't change my mind!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. ...anyway, It's not a patch on the Traffic Jam!!
  12. Well the Traffic Jam cover made £127 on eBay, and Manship lists Chet for £150, so tell me again... Which is the most? :-)
  13. Yes I know, that why I put "either label' in the first post :-) Also desperately want Traffic Jam - Can't get over you - Toeholt. Such an awesome record - one of the top 70s tunes (IMO, of course). All help much appreciated. Can offer some good trades (or cash) if anyone's interested...
  14. Good idea, but wouldn't it just be sod's law that the record you want to play/sell would be right in the middle! Still, I might have to make myself one...
  15. Need a copy - soooooooooooooooooooooooo good!! Not fussed on label, either'll do. Bit skint at mo so will make up in trades, but offer it to me for cash by all means!
  16. I'll give you £7.80 and an old credit cart (exp. date: 12/10/94)... Sounds like a good deal to me...
  17. If you mean Black Wings, all copies I've seen/heard of have been on Resist, and the other is on Claire.
  18. I didn't like 'Black Wings' a few months back. It started to grow on me after seeing the dancefloor reaction, but I've hammered 'West Coast Winners' to death and now it's really growing on me. I can't bring the other one to mind. Apparenly a friend played it last time I was out but I really can't remember. If my memory serves me well Joe D. auctioned one on Soulbid a few months back but I might be mistaken. Manship's price guide says £300 if this helps.
  19. Buggar!! Not be gettin' one o' them then!! Has it ever been booted? Not that I'd buy one or anything... (I would really, but shhhhhhhh, don't tell Gene!)
  20. My oh my... Another fetching item bought buy the man with £5m to spend on a soul... Dirty habit... Not to mention illegal... Bad person... God damn him!
  21. Want one. Got one? No. OK. How much would I be asked to pay if you did have one? £_______. How much? £_______. £_______?! Yes. Over my dead body!! (You fill in the blanks...)
  22. Yes! And things will start to disappear too!! Moi-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!! You will sence me all around you!!! Above you!! Behind you!!!!! Below you!!! Be warned do gooders - I, Satan have already posessed Bush and Hitler, and intend to do the same to you!!! My wrath has begun!!! Adolf_20Satan_20Bush.gif_link
  23. Don't quite get it... Will PM you with another.

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