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Everything posted by MarkWhiteley

  1. ...on Main Sound I believe. Can offer cash or trades. Email me at l_l_m_w@hotmail.com. And also a few I need pricing (the first is a want I suppose, not bothered with the others, just curious of price): 1. Halo - 'Let Me Do It' 2. Prince Paul - 'In The Beginning' 3. Lynn Terry - 'I Got A Good Thing Going' 4. Margaret Little - 'Love Finds A Way' Cheeeeeeeeers
  2. £350 Deffo no more than a £250 tune <_< Unless of course it's an issue
  3. Gwen & Rae £500 Who the f*ck would pay £500 for Gwen & rae??
  4. So it is, and I do know it - couldn't bring it to mind then though Bit like Little Tommy - I Walk On..... It's on the beigey/grey coloured one - Vol. 2
  5. Was gonna have a go but per-usual, has just gone daft... <_< Don't know the Original Cadillacs I'm afraid... Could someone please post up a soundbite? I'd be very greatful... A WDJ of what? the Drapers or The Original Cadillacs? If it's the Drapers, then yes I want it please. Name your price... I can offer trades too if you're interested...
  6. Cash waiting (providing isn't too much <_<), trades available too... Cheeeeeeeers
  7. Just breaking in the new forum, but while I'm here I'll post a want: Jimmy Thomas - "The beautiful night" - C'mon Mick, I know you've got one, sell be the b**tard thing and stop taunting me! Cheeeeeers
  8. >>Loooooooook<< Just thought I'd post up seeing as mine wasn't real... Mark
  9. Oi Roberts! Stop nickin' my wants page! Make your own! :angry:
  10. Could you contact Nige for me please?
  11. 2 Q's: How do I access my watch list on Soulbid.com? Can't find a link anywhere... What did the Coco & ben end at on cvenchip's auction, or will it myseriously return a new high bid and 43 days left? <_< Cheers all!
  12. We keep meeting like this don't we Marc?! Between £1,500 & 2,000 for Utopias in perfect condition, make from that what you will.
  13. Can you help with any of my other wants mick? P.S. RE; Avatar; someone should really teach you how to use the 'crop' tool
  14. Ooooooooooooooh yaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh 400+ posts!! Just thought of another: Super-ultra-mega-super-very-quite-obscurely-rare (?!)...
  15. Must say JT, never heard of Dog rare... Is that something you deep-funk boiz use?
  16. Ahh but Mikey you're fogetting: Super-rare Scarse Super scarse Ultra scarse Very scarse Mega scarse Shit rare Insanely rare Quite rare Seldom listed Hard-to-find Obscure Super obscure Mega obscure Ultra obscure Very obscure Hard (not sure I understand this one, or the following come to think...) Super hard Mega hard Quite hard Very hard Ultra hard Rarest of the rare? - There's a bit o' Manship in all of us! Anymore? F**k me how bored am I?
  17. BTW Just won Bobby day on eBay. Went for $260 in end - BARGAIN!! Although reserve wasn't met. Have mailed seller asking what reserve was, but as yet have had no reply.
  18. Oh hush you silly fool! No bargains for me! <_<
  19. BTW just got to get hold of Tony hymes - "Time ain't..." on Azbill
  20. Bloody hell Leo, be quiet! Someone might have had one and valued it at £100 - but not anymore! Please edit post. And Ceasar, I think I've got one thanks buddy.
  21. Jesus Christ John - they get worse! Anyway... Yes I'm also looking for a copy of this, so Jerry, if you find two, giz a bell. Shouldn't be which is good! Last I asw was £40 I think.
  22. Why can't I find them? ASomeone post us a link please
  23. Marc, I'd prefer to do this vi email, so let me know your addy and I'll contact you further... Mark
  24. Also Vibrating Vibrations - "Surprise party" - know this isn't dear, just can't seem to get one?!

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