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Everything posted by MarkWhiteley

  1. Did you not get my mail Mike? Too large to send even by email, so don't know what to do... Here are file properties, maybe someone knows what to do: Type: WAV audio Size: 1014 bytes Playable with: RealOne Over to you lot
  2. Got one of these off eBay a few months back. Also got Justin Jones - Dance By Yourself on. Well worth buying just for this! Got to be one of the best recent discoveries.... ....Fantastic! By the way, didn't you two have a copy of Bill Tarzan Jones - A Man Should Never Cry a bit since? Is it still available? Tried to contact you a while ago but mail kept bouncing <_< Let me know. l_l_m_w@hotmail.com.
  3. Have you got a soundbyte Mr. Smith, or anyone for that matter? Would love to hear it
  4. Clip too big so mailed to Mike. Hopefull he'll sort it Managed to post scans tho: Tis for sale by the way... Label E++ con w/ very slight ware Vinyl VG/VG+ con, plays great Books £750 Open to offers/trades.
  5. Sorry bout the wait fellas. It's here now:
  6. Another couple:- Eugene Smiley - Yes It's You - K-City Terry Sinclai - What Have You Heard - DPG - I know I've listed this already, but it's becoming more and more desperate everytime I hear it... Just got to have one!!! Jock Mitchell - Nomad Woman - Golden Hit Villiam Vellington
  7. Great track, bit like a slowed down version of the backing track to Helen Troy - "I Think I Love You", or at least I think it is.. Will throw together the a clip for you and post in morn. Come to Friendship next time and I'll play it for you!
  8. Orr go on piss on my fire! Thought I might be onto sommet here, maybe a rarity By the way noticed that the soundbite wasn't in my post. Sorry bout that..
  9. ...soundbite as promised. Got both sides on.
  10. This copy is bright red, with "Some Woman's Bedroom" on the flip (this is actually better than the 70s "Just Ask Me"). Will prepare a clip and post on here in 5 mins.
  11. Just bough Lenis Guess - Just Ask Me on Le Grand unseen, has turned up on a plane red label and plays some 70s shite!!!! How pissed am I ???!!! :diablo: Anyway..... Label no. should be 1042, but mine is 2001, plus other side is called "Some other woman's bedroom" - this is shite too! 20p starting, buyout at 66p **free shipping anywhere in the F*cking universe... just take it!!!** Any available info? Biblethytool! (anogram, or would that be an agroman? tehehe ) By the way just come accross a hillarious website! Have a looook.... Rubberface.com. You'll fathem out how it works in the end..
  12. so's mine Think you'd struggle to sell it on here. Only few that know how rare it are the ROTR lurkers, of which I am a proud member! Perhaps if you chuck a couple of scans and a soundbite maybe people would hear just how good it is... Or better still, we could steal a pair of Soul Sam's gloves, turn them inside out, and stamp his fingerprints all over the vinyl (although being VERY careful not to scratch ) . If this won't get it some attention, nothing will!!!
  13. Marc the Wanted bit was for Richard Caiton. Got Joe Arnold.
  14. Remember seeing flip listed by Craig Moerer, but thought it was more like $300? Although my memory frequently fails me... <_<
  15. I got the one from John Anderson, as the high bidder pulled out. Been a fave for a long time, and couldn't believe I got it for £130 after being told It'd cost me £600-800........ Although it now seems this is a little high. Guide says £600 orange, £500 black I think. Mine's black, and yes it does sound like "Stand By me". Othe side's very good too
  16. Oh yeah nearly forgot... Tom Jones - Canb't Break the News - Decca LP - THE version to have. Shit's on Benny's cover...
  17. Great taste right up to John Leach... Oh how I loathe that record! :diablo: I fail to see how ANYONE can actually enjoy listening to such an awful record! ..................or maybe that's cos I don't have one :diablo:
  18. My top 5 (plus a few more) home plays: 5 Royals - Catch that Teardrop - ABC - R&B heaven! Joe Arnold - No Clouds In The Sky - 2 Spot - As above, perfect R&B and super rare. I feel so privaledged to own a copy! World's Funkiest band - When You're Alone - California Gold - "Cheap as chips" as the saying goes, but what a fantastic record!!! Volumes - Ain't Gonna Give You Up - Karen Johnny Nash - What Kind Of Love Is This - Grove Lee Shot Williams - Love Now Pay Later - Gamma - Must say thankyou to Mr. Buers for supplying me with this gem at sucha great price - Cheers buddy! Richard Caiton - I Like To get Near You - Up Tight - This is the one where I must cheat, comes from the Modern Millionaires CD as I haven't yet got my grubby mitts on a copy. WANTED
  19. Label is SMS, last saw at £200. Might be able to get you one a bit less if you're after one....... William Wellington
  20. BTW - Let's have a B-B-Q when be get home from the niter, then we can have a look on the bay for some 6ts, 7ts & 8ts choons!
  21. It's OK - found it now... Don't know why I didn't just tap in the name
  22. The link doesn't work. What if we want to bid? Username? Item no.s?

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