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Everything posted by MarkWhiteley

  1. Yes tis mr. Atcinson on Zachory. Have you heard the flip - "Surrounded" ? Uptemp R&B, will post up MP3 if I can find the record Just a quicky - can anyone help? What sort of price is the Out of Sights "Rest of my life" currently selling for? Billy
  2. Look Tim do you really want to sell it to someone with an afro that look like a f*king bath sponge Only kidding Pete
  3. £401.50...... and a used, but not abused sellotape despenser
  4. He won't sell that - my guess is that he has a 200 dollar reserve like the Jan Jones, but A) Jan Jones is worth that, and Jan Jones is a good record I tried it on ebay £9.99 starting £99.99 reserve - 1 bid Then I stuck into in a lot with about 6 other things inc. Sweethearts on Kent, Sunlovers, etc., a few decent records, £9.99 starting £250 reserve, think it made £60 quid. Would have probably made more had it just been the other things Can't find MP3, but definately have it somewhere.... Will post up when I find
  5. Just mailed it to you mr. Corsa (didn't have time to mail it to you before, sorry)
  6. Believe me, you don't want to hear Joe Johnson - it's absolute f*ckin shite! I used to have one but swapped it for a copy of Fredeick Hymes. I think if the record was half descent it would be worth the 300 the guides state, as it is quite rare. Kept MP3s of both sides so will post them up in a bit. Only kidding about the thing. No hard feelings eh? Billy
  7. Try right clicking ans 'save target as'. Let me know how it goes.
  8. Nice, but I must say I prefer "Do you know what love is" Do you know "Straight love" or "Surrounded" by him? Both great, and £20 at the most! (A & B-side). Can prepare MP3's if you like. Let me know. Billy
  9. Ben & Spence definately worth a bid, absolutely shit rare and very good I only know of a few, and Searling's onto it so looks to go big
  10. Anybody want to sell/swap me one of these Email: l_l_m_w@hotmail.co.uk ....or Pm me Billy
  11. Don;t see many demos either! Only ever seen two - one of those is mine
  12. Northwest_soul, you must understand that Mr. Smith disagrees with EVERYHTING said on this board. Must be something to do with his terrible temper
  13. What's a REAL Matt Lucas worth? Don't like it, just curious...
  14. There should be a link at the top of each of your posts - translate this post
  15. Do all copies have off-centre labels? I've seen about 5 inc. mine and none are on straight!
  16. Be careful as the quality of some is very bassey. Someone said these were boots, but I can't see whay anyone would boot a 20 quid record... (this was said last time) Think the long note is about 15 seconds (this was also said last time)
  17. Sorry my mistake - it was £46 Don't know where 75 came from

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