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Everything posted by MarkWhiteley

  1. Flip is marked "PLUG SIDE" so yes, I think it is never seen another Soundfile to anyone interested:
  2. No. The 3 appears to be slightly oversized rather than lower down (on the ebay scan). Everything seems in-line on mine
  3. Ok Etheridge you rumbled me had to wait for him to come home
  4. Just rubbing it in P.S. Ebony Essence definately the best Brett
  5. Gone blurry, but you can see it's a lot brighter green than the one on ebay.
  6. ...and mine will be back with MP3 in two ticks.....
  7. Search on ebay.com rather than ebay.co.uk
  8. Remember seeing one on a list on here at £50 I think. There was also one on ebay a few months ago. I considered bidding as I thought it might be in the same vein as Jerry Washington, but I didn't. Think it went for about $50. Mark
  9. Does anyone else think her on lead sounds like Jo Armstead? (more on THSH side)
  10. Wanted: Carl Hall "Mean it baby" (Loma) - issue or demo, don't care, just want one email: l_l_m_w@hotmail.co.uk or PM. Thankyou very! Billy :dance:
  11. Doesn't look like mine either, dodgy if you ask me STAY WELL AWAY
  12. ...and here: https://www.raresoulman.co.uk/rarestoftherare.htm?&pg=56
  13. Must be, it's on Manshp's Rarest of the rare, and credited to the counts. The other S.S. Counts thread is in 'Look at your box', but that's about a different record by them, can't remember what it's called Mark
  14. Yep that'll be me I didn't see them, and I've got it in my favourite searches (i.e. I get an email when a copy is listed) and still saw nothing
  15. P.S. flip is second best soul record ever made IMO (after John & Weirdest)
  16. Seen them sell for a lot more that that James if you can get one for £500 go for it! I was offered two in result of a want on here - £700 and £750, and have missed two on ebay - $1100 and $980, but ended up paying a very reasonable price from a member of this board :dance: Mark
  17. I was going to put the flip on your CD Roger, but decided against it. Didn't like it back then............... 5 days ago but it grows on me every time I hear it, don't think I'd ever play it out though
  18. We (me and my son) prefer track 2 on the CD, "I want a love I can see". A little similar to Carl Stewart "I ain't going back to that"

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