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Everything posted by MarkWhiteley

  1. This any good Jim? Saw one on ebay for a few dollars and umm'd n arr'd about buying but have had too many disappointments when buying blind so decided against it...... Mark
  2. What I mean is it doesn't dsound like a £2500 tune if you catch my drift.....
  3. oh don't know about that..... The trumpet at the start is just superb - bets bit IMO. Wouldn't say it was a £2500 record but surely worth more than a fiver??
  4. Don't think this should cost me much, missed the last 2 on ebay so am posting here as last result O'malley Jones - Layin for you (Airwaves) Offlist please to l_l_m_w@hotmail.co.uk Superbilly
  5. Well said Mr Franklin This cut is definately same as mine. Will did it out and check matrix....
  6. Also forgot to add that I think "Sugar ain't sweet" is waaaaaaaaay over-rated. Another one of those that if it was worth £30 no-one would care.
  7. Such Misery on Drew Wanna Tell My Baby on D-Town Superbilly
  8. Would rate Despenza at £500 although there are 3 different label designs: (1) yellow with block type (about 500) (2) yellow with fancy script-style type (very rare, Manship just auctioned one and got about £900 i think) (3) beige with fancy script-style type (only ever seen one of these) Think there are only 4/5 Wand copies. Was withdrawn but don't know why... Superb record and one you just never get sick of hearing Superbilly
  9. I aggree with Andy: if it's improperly listed I'd keep it to yourself as you may be on to a bargain, but if it's listed properly and easy to find then it can't hurt as it will already have been viewed by hundreds
  10. Would say between 2 & 3000 for each, but not quite sure...
  11. Totally aggree Chris the play side is poor compared to most in that vein, and 90% of those cost but a fraction of the price. I think the flip is the best side, but again there are far better 'beat ballads' to be had Aggree with you about W Powell too - great ballsy backing but that vocal throws me straight off. Again, if it was worth £30 no-one would bother. Same goes for Damon Fox. Just PM'd you btw Billy
  12. Seen quite a few between £300 & £500 but haven't managed to pick one up yet.
  13. A mate of mine bought an erm.....rather expensive item from him and that must have arrived Ok as it's now with me
  14. Can't see the appeal of this track at all very erm....lame IMO
  15. Shifty had this at £200. Only got list Friday so he might still have it. All contact details you'll need are on his website: https://www.ravingmadrecords.co.uk] Billy
  16. BOOTLEG: https://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ssPageName=WDVW
  17. See here: https://popsike.com/php/detaildata.php?itemnr=4718381667 Deffo orig on vinyl w/ moulded label wait a few days and I'm sure there'll be a boot on ebay so we'll be able to compare scans
  18. Look at Darren's copy - clearly vinyl with moulded label. The boots are styrene with a wishy-washy brown label with a white edge like Mel Britt second issues. Go on Manship's site and click more info on the boots.
  19. Origs are vinyl, boots are styrene. Only difference as far as I know
  20. Almost forgot... Faye & Hillettes - Where did he go ...probably best ever unissued IMO

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