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Everything posted by MarkWhiteley

  1. Totally aggree - way out of order
  2. about 350 sir ...or £700 off Manship...
  3. MarkWhiteley

    soulpics 037

    Please sir, more?
  4. ooh me too anyone with a second copy pm pls
  5. ....same story with Falcons. been one of my biggest wants since I got back on the scene 5 or so years back. Gave up in the end
  6. Freddie North and LeCharles McCoy are on ebay quite often, the forst in particular. Good luck with the Defferences though - been after one for years with no luck
  7. Only got highland toffees left now sorry
  8. A little tip: when contacted by ANYONE claiming to have something you want, just type their email address into an internet search and see what comes up. If they're trying to skank you it's likely they've done it in the past and have been named and shamed on a number of sites
  9. A guy answered a want of mine claiming to be from the US. The want was for the Camaros on Dar Cha, which money-wise I couldn't afford at the time so we aggreed on a trade for a copy o0f Billy Arnell - Tough girl. I sent the record then never heard from him again............................. The reason I have posted up is because his e-mail address started soulrun, but I remember the server been tennis.com or something like that, which seems a bit obscure but if you visit https://www.mail.com you can chose from hundreds of server names, all ending with .com rather than the extension of your country, and you don't need to prove yourself to register, so it's open to anyone from aanywhere really.... Whatch out for folks claiming to be from say the US or Canada as I was skanked out of quite a lot of cash by a guy who supplied scans and an mp3 of a certain record, which I later found in a google history cache of an old ebay item. Never heard from him again, and I later found out by another fella he swindled that he is in fact from Cameroon Reading back through this not quite sure of the point of this post...? ahem..... Billy
  10. Hopefully someone cann sell/trade these few: Spontanes - Where did I go wrong - UA Gloria Barnes - I'll call you back later - sorry can't remember label Bobby Bennett - You did it again - Junior Pro-Fascination - Try love again - MOT Offlist pls to: l_l_m_w@hotmail.co.uk (or PM) Ta
  11. Anyone got a copy of the Spontanes on UA to sell/trade please? Offlist please to l_l_m_w@hotmail.co.uk (or PM) Mark PS Buey if you're reading send us an email as we were sort of negotiating something a few months back but I lost your address.....
  12. Indeed it is Mandy it's a brill record, just not worth $700. In fact it was played by Mr Tony Wiggan at the Friendship last night as his last record I believe. Sounded very good too Don't know the flip..any chance of an mp3 Seb
  13. Didn't think it wast that much tenna should get you one off ebay. Had it and played it for years. Superb record and cheap as chips as the saying goes
  14. I know I've made fun of the (way over the top and quite silly) price, but it would be nice to see a scan of the pic sleeve Mr. Northwest records bet she's white
  15. Dunno. He might accept sweets though when you've finished paying Ian C
  16. Indeed Ted - the fool that buys it Certainly not worth $700 in my humble opinion, maybe half of that but $700 is way ott
  17. Comon folks off that grumpy Thomas chap and back on topic: has anyone got one to sell me please? PS Friendship tonight Steve?
  18. Ok no probs, and yep Cheers for your support matey M
  19. One of these on Shifty's at £300. Would love it but ain't got the cash. If you need contact details go to www.ravingmadrecords.com, think that's address anyway Wilson Williams shouldn't be too hard, loads about

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