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Everything posted by MarkWhiteley

  1. To be perfectly honest thought it was shite I presume by "modern tune of the year so far" you mean best thing released this year I'd have to disaggree and say Gabin 'Into my soul' is the best I've heard yet - simply sublime..... and I bet even Smiffay likes this un
  2. dunno Matt, would say £300 was about right. Seem to make just over $500 on ebay which is about £290. Superb record
  3. never f*cking saw that no mellow madness yet i'm afraid
  4. Mandy he might think differently if you were to offer some exotic orange toffee or suchlike. Thorntons is the way to a man's record collection
  5. I will only buy you a pint under the condition you have Meadow in hand and we exchange at the very same time. I may even throw in a bag of nuts too what record will that be then, the one you're bringing for Mark? Will I know it? Have I got it? I don't know what I have or haven't got anymore, nor do I know what those I have got are actually called or who they're by. In most cases I can tell you what colour label it's on but I often get labels mixed up with sleeves so my answer is ofen "white" I also frequently play the mat, but it's an improvement on some stuff that awful geordie plays* Friendship 29th? Mr Mannion is guesting. Mark *don't tell him what ever you do!
  6. ahh but I never said I liked it. By "not that bad" I meant not as bad as you lot are making out. Yeah it's piss poor on the vocal front but it's a nice backing track, which to me is 50% of the record
  7. This is far worse IMO: CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE WORST RECORD ON THE SOUL SCENE Please send cash to Mark Whiteley 45.... actually didn't think Dan's thing was that bad. Dreadful vocals, but aren't a lot of things we listen to? -------------------- link expired
  8. Can't believe no one's bought Eddie Holman John. Flip is perhaps is one of best slowies ever IMHO
  9. guiness? ok mate i'll buy you a pint next time i see you you at the pond on friday?
  10. if anyone could help me with a copy of this I'd be mighty greatful Kelly & Soul Explosions - Talkin about my baby's love - Dynamic offlist please to: l_l_m_w@hotmail.co.uk thanks in advance Billy
  11. yes yours is a boot. i'll give you a fiver for it
  12. why Christian you angry angry man mind you a plastic bombs is a very good idea. don't fancy cleaning bits of Salamone off my windows though
  13. which one Ken - Prophets or Sid Hall? Doesn't much matter anyway bot are rare as rocking horse shite..... may I ask who it was?
  14. me too 007, Commands is far superior in my humble opinion PS just pm'd you andy as I've got a spare
  15. No, been meaning to buy one but it can wait as there are loads about. Seem to be about £30.
  16. Just bought mp3 player and would like to add these few but don't have mp3s. Have got most on CDs but don't know where they are Offlist if you like to l_l_m_w@hotmail.co.uk all help is much appreciated Jimmy Wallace - I'll be back Pro-Fascination - I want to wrap my arms around you Dave Charles - Ain't gonna cry no more E. Jacki Hines - I'm so glad Thanks, Billy
  17. Got to aggree Matt, first listen wasn't too impressed but after playing it again and again it's just superb, and the flip is better still! Think I've got a soundfile of the flip so I'll have a look and post it up

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