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Everything posted by MarkWhiteley

  1. Dream on Pete, £30 is stupid. Fair enough I was wrong on quantity, but that's only what I was told. And I never said in demand as I though it was majorly known. I know of a copy changing hands for £500 up here, but that was a case of "I want it now". My good mate Geordie payed somewhere in the region of £200, and the copy on ebay last year made just over £250, so I think £200 is a benchmark if not an undervaluation. If you can get me 2 at £30 I'll snatch your hand off as I know of at least 2 folks who would pay 200+ for copies.
  2. me too no blood option though I'm scared of needles
  3. 45 is ludicrously rare. Maybe 5/6 known copies, but not that great a record in my opinion. Price is probably around £200 mark if you can find one.
  4. no, Jay T's not rare I'm afraid. Had one ages, mine too is bluey label design. Pete Smith had one for a fiver, I ave just over £10. Good luck selling at $100 Doug
  5. yeh suppose so. It's shoeing out of stock now so someone must like it he's got it down as 7" and 12", which is yours? M
  6. no bad but nothing special in my opinion. Craiig Moerer had one for $15 about a month ago.
  7. then why post up again you spanner, just remove from initial post
  8. ahh beaten to it. Cheers Dave that's the one
  9. Sorry Chalks yes it is. Just found out it's on a Philly groove LP from 1978
  10. Hello all, just found above on the back of a old pressing and can't find any info anywhere. Anyone give me details? label, price, rarity etc. Ta Billybob
  11. you said that once what's wrong with you you loon
  12. I was only kidding mate, just that I'm a purfict spellar
  13. you spelt label wrong Andy remember E before L if you can spell
  14. Can someone please help me out on this: The Fantastics - Where there's a will there's a way - Impressario Been let down by a certain gorgeous someone Offlist please; PM or e-mail l_l_m_w@hotmail.co.uk. All help very much appreciated. Billy
  15. now I'v got one of them.....and last time I looked there was a mitny white demo on ebay. Keep yer eyes peeled n ger ont bay yer slacko
  16. damn. Just trying to con you ot of a bit of cash mate..........they call me SALAMONE SALAMONE SALAMONE
  17. Hi Ian, I have the Falcons 45. My price is £25 + £2 P+P. Do you want it?
  18. No Jon, it was you I mean, only joking...... when was the pic taken?
  19. No, but if I did i promise I wouldn't pay that much
  20. Yes mate been on his website. Google has lead me there plenty of times in the search for that ellusic vinyl Looking forward to Friday. Lots have said they'll be there, others said they'll try, so all being well should be a top connoisseur's night. M
  21. wouldn't know, never met him. He's not very good with emails.....replying to them I mean ..but yes he has some great records. A few bordering on house/boogie but some superb 70s & modern soul. There was a King Tutt 12" on ebay a while back, didn't interest me as I don't really like it. There were also 12" copies of Masterforce on Rainforest and Sam Butler on SRI, neither of which I never knew existed. Billy
  22. Awful record in my humble opinion, never liked it and never will. I know of a copy that sold for £75 about 5 months ago...
  23. I believe he has them all liquorische too

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