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Everything posted by MarkWhiteley

  1. oh.... well it was you who first recommended it to me.
  2. Tis good innit, Christain B discovery I believe. It was he who put me on to it anyway.
  3. Look here: https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...4751451898&rd=1 Noah 'Got to get away' CANDY STIX Super rare mid-tempo soul, ultra soulful and an absolute bargain at £99. When this one gets big watch price go as it is super rare. £1000+ when Sam gets his mits on one! BID BID BID attached soundfile for those who have never heard it:
  4. just a re-issue thing, can't be worth much can it?? £50 topps I'd say. Buy it just for the Sy Hightower track - probably the best unreleased 70s record I've ever, but not as good as 'I know you're leaving me'. Nothing else much good on anyhow...
  5. on second thought, not sure I know the Patterson Twons, the Twins on the other hand is a fcukin superb record IMHO Bottom & co is better for a Northern set I suppose, but the Twins is the first version I herad so is and will always be no.1 for me
  6. none mate, never even heard it. Andy K had one on here for £500 i think so I bid on the last one. Put the $200 copy in my watrch as I liked the label that's why I remember it. Started very low and did nish until the last few hours. Made about $230 in the end, other about $502 or sommet like that, the next bid up from mine anyway.... Only books at £200 in Manship guide, yet another he's way out on I suppose. Not suprise you've sold it, didn't you sell the Passions at £2500 os something like that, only though that was a £1000 record But in the words of that charming Sweedish fella "hey what do I know"
  7. Demos quite hard me thinks Mr J, payed £60 last year. nice record
  8. if camera will work I'll post pic of mine. Think it's real - small black 'BROADWAY' at the top, totally different design to Johnny Burton & Thieves on same label
  9. I had the chance of one at £160 but turned it down cos I'm a prick There'll be one on ebay in a week or two, you shouldn't have to wait long
  10. surely not, seen 2 on ebay over last 3 months; first one just over $300 and the second about $550
  11. seen them at over £300, but you're rght John not rare at all. There were 3 on ebay last week, all ending at same time; 2 issues and a demo. Issues made just over $500 and demo about $400.
  12. By unknown I meant unknown to the everyday soul fan. It's a personal fave of mine and I know the Japs are on their knees for it, but haven't spoke or played it to one person who knows it yes. Same with Black Essence; I know it's known to the modern soul crowd, but seems no-one knows it on the Northern scene. I've decided not to post in this top anymore as I can't do so without being made fun of I'm an idiot....Ok a bloody idiot but I think what I think and like a fart in a church the words just come out
  13. Just missed one for £30 on ebay, went through with 1 bid "Don't be afraid" - superb!
  14. oh, I'm surprised. Bloody brilliant record in my humble opinion, haven't got round to buying one just yet. Heard for the first time on a CD Hippo did forme about 4 months ago.
  15. Don't think so. Norris Vines is last 5 years max. If Girth is reading maybe he'll confirm. Thought Papa Bear was an iffy one... I know it's only been in the limelight over last year or so, and until now seemed unknown & therefore recent discovery, hense me suggesting it. No bother though... what you think about the others?
  16. oh what about Jackson Brothers on Providence? love this, and don't think it's been about long.. Also on the modern scene.. Noah Klas Coco & Ben (not sure when this was introduced)
  17. do you mean no they have been about longer than 5 years or no they're not some of the best in the last 5 years?
  18. what the f*ck are they playing at? Did a google search must have found 15 copies between $15 and £60. Pretty lame record in my opinion, will grab a few at $15 though...
  19. Norris Vines Papa Bear & Cubs Jerry Washington Benny Harper a couple that aren't too well known I think.. Ellipsis 2001 Black Essence and lastly Margaret Little - not a record I'm particularly fond of, but seems to have made major impact on the scene despite being pretty dull in my opinion
  20. flip's better ...and no I haven't got one, sorry
  21. Right, gotcha I myself would not pay much for it as I don't like it. Don't get me wrong I'd have a boxful at £30 or less each, because if Mick's playing it now price is likely to go up more still, and i don't think they would be too hard to sell on.
  22. it's nowt special Chalky, got a soundfile somewhere I'll post it up in a tick.

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