Right, here's the story (and I know Baz will back me up on this)
Lil' Peddlar scored either 20 or 30 copies from a member of the band (drummer I believe) and instead of letting them go one every couple of months, the bloody fool put them on 10 or more at a time, a couple starting low and the rest with $1200 'buy now' prices. He seems to have sold quite a few to the UK, one of which landed with a good mate of mine and it is EXACTLY THE SAME as mine which I've had for years. I think Baz bought one actually so can verify I am not one of Lil' Pedllar's lil' minnions trying to get him a sale.
Same with the Singing Swinging Counts - originals, he just has a lot.
The only boots he was selling were the Monzas 'Instant love' lookalikes. I know because I was foolish enough to buy one! They were pressed in early 70s for the beach scene and the majority of copies he has were signed. But, despite rumours, he seems like a decent guy, and after i told him that they are boots and here's how I know blah blah blah, he stopped selling them on ebay. That's fair enough isn't it???
So Baz........over to you mate