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Everything posted by MarkWhiteley

  1. Im just sat here wondering, does the poor girl who initiated this great debate know anything about it? Is she on here? Be great to here her views M.
  2. 3 Pages and 111 quotes/replies and Smithy sorts it in 3 small goes! TOP MAN PETE
  3. Yes Cat but as you say 'Rather Listen To' most local Night punters go to Dance and prefer what they know.
  4. Course its not relevant, the eleven 'fellas'dressed in Man Utd Shirts cant play like the first team But the Frank Wilson Boot dressed in a look- a- like 'soul' label sounds just like Kennys Copy M.
  5. it takes a creative DJ to do a good spot on meagre means and without resorting to big money tunes on boots. They have my respect.
  6. Jordan in just boots even more acceptable
  7. [quote name='smudgesmith' date=this i find strange,get women in the kitchen and you cant fecking shut them up,put a mic in their hand and it all goes tits up.
  8. Think Bazza got this spot on, the bulk of the punters are happy to hear their faves coming through the speakers regardless of what format is being played. Surely most of the critisicm will no doubt come from the chin strokers around the bar with comments like 'This cant be real' or 'No way can he/she have one of these' I think a door poll of the paying punters(not DJ's - just people out for a good night) would reveal that most dont care about originality or format. Think you have to look to the floor really and draw your conclusion from there, if its packed and the paying punters are having a ball, odds are they dont mind or dont care I have to admit to being part of the chin strokin fraternity in the past though! Ill get me mac M.
  9. Favourite DJ Early days -95 1.Searling 2.Brady 3.Gary Rushbrooke Favourite DJ 95 - Present day 1.Butch 2.Carl & Maria 3.Mick H Favourite all time DJ 1.Searling
  10. Cant upload to Refo so sent to you via pm Also here to assist andreas with sale Brown_Too_Late.MP3 clip includes both sides. Regards M.
  11. Mark If Refosoul is working I posted this up last year If not let me know And Ill mail you one Best M.
  12. Mine too Thanx for all the hard work Mike Didn't realise how crap the internet was till my fave was missing! Spent hours trawling through rubbish! Thank God youre back
  13. Happy New Year buddy! What big want is this funding then Nev ? Best M.
  14. Tis indeed Col, on the wants list if I ever start earning again M.
  15. Thanx Chalky By The Way still no further forward on Alt vesion of 'willing' - not caught up with Greenhoff yet, but will let you know Best M.
  16. Hi All, does anyone know a current value for 'Greatest Debt' Remember seeing one on JM's auction a few weeks ago but never saw the finish. If anyone out there has a cheapie................ Best M.
  17. Just sold a dozen or so Goldmine deletions on the bay - most managed a fiver, the 'Mega Rare' GSCD001 did however peak at $50 so I think the secret is reach for the sky on starting price and hope for just one well heeled punter! Next batch will all start at 199.99 M
  18. You might find its what you played that promoted the hissing and booing Rod M.
  19. Terminology spot on shep Two main reasons for cue burn are :- Backspin - where a DJ finds the start of the record and then backspins half a turn or whatever for a perfect timed start. Over time the constant forward/reverse motion 'digs' out the vinyl/styrene from the bottom of the play groove. Styrene is more susceptable to this as it is harder and therefore more brittle. Modern day cartridges/stilii have the angle of the stylus cut parrallel front to rear so a correctly set up and weighted tone arm should have minimal effect on cue burn. Unfortunately many promoters/organisers(and no disrespect intended) are pretty clueless regarding setting up of the decks. I have had some very rare records ruined as testament to this! How many of you know the tracking weight/tracking force for your particular type of cartridge? How often do you check this? Permanent installations are normally pretty reliable once set correctly but for those of us who hump gear in and out on a regular basis, the tone arm should be weight/force checked on every set up. Regular replacement of the stylus is also pretty important, at one particular event - long running too - I asked the organiser when he last changed his - 'never had to these are brilliant' was the reply. Second Reason is incorrect angle of stylus tip resulting in one side of the groove being worn as the stylus point hits the wall of the groove rather than the bottom. Unfortunately once cue/needle burn has occured, there is very little option but to live with it. Golden rules are 1. Dont backspin your rare treasures! 2. Dont be afraid to ask the promoter/organiser about the equipment - again if in doubt dont play youre rarest pieces! As a rule of thumb - if a tone arm has a penny taped to the cartridge head - walk away Best M.
  20. I have heard this before Paul (although not tried it personally) was told to 'paint' the record with PVA glue, allow to dry and 'flex' the disc to remove the glue - theory is that the dirt has stuck to the glue and lifts out of the grooves M.
  21. Will do and will keep you posted as the mistery unfolds M.

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