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Everything posted by MarkWhiteley

  1. More than slightly confusing, the none hat scans show two differant labels............. Note the numbering, extra bracketed pd referance no's in there! Oh bugger! M.
  2. Is it called 'Youngblood' by Smith................or 'Smith' by Youngblood? Not heard of the production team, you can spliff before though M.
  3. Looks the real deal to me Pete Is it going for offers or same way as carstairs
  4. Joan you are so right Think amongst Sams recent plays, Second Re$surection -' Youre Done, Let Daylight Catch You' is the one that does it for me M.
  5. Incidentally, are we really sure Ms Barnes provided lead vocals on this, Any Hard evidence to support 'The Rumour' M.
  6. The actual album it appears on is 'Ohio Players Sixteen Greatest Hits' on Trip Records
  7. How about 'look on the good side' - Invitations , not timed it but its fairly lengthy - Best 70's intro - ever M.
  8. Hi Carl, just viewed the Detroit Session Video - Buzzin, Whats the story on releases Regards Mark
  9. Hi Leigh, lots of playlists appear in 'lookbacks' check out last weeks 'Friendship' plays at this link ................... c/index.php?showtopic=87781 M.
  10. Crazy indeed, got around £70 for mine about 4 years ago and struggled at that! Good luck to the sellar but who's bidding at those prices M.
  11. One sold today on 'the bay' only 1 bid so sold for start price $99 - around £65 at todays ER. M. btw it is some tune tho'
  12. Mossy I was merely wondering how many event attendees as said in original post, seems you done a 'Bikcnell' and missed that bit M.
  13. Sorry Richard, didn't want to alienate the event non attendees the point of my original question stemmed from the amount of venues happening on a particular night and wondered if there was enough of us to go round the reality is you are probably a better 'practising' or 'engaged ' -as you put it, soulie ,than many an event attendee Keep on Practising! M.
  14. we practice at least once a week, sometimes once, sometimes twice, sometimes thrice and we still aint got it sussed M.
  15. See you lazy reading again Mark - skimming the surface I did say regularly attending venues M.
  16. Stop me if this has been done before Reading a post about a night in December with thirty odd events going on, just wondered if anyone can hazard a guess or an informed estimate of how many 'practising' soul fans we have in the UK. By practising I mean those who regularly attend venues, once or twice a month, every weekend etc, M.

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