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Andy Rix

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Everything posted by Andy Rix

  1. ...and Simon has just reminded me that she was Eddie Holman's girlfriend for a while during their Parkway days. Might be worth touching base with him about her although he said he hadn't seen her in years Andy
  2. There is a connection between her and Tari Stevens who had a 45 on Fairmount. I want to say they are the same person, I'm pretty sure they are ..... But if not they are sisters, or cousins I'll go check my facts to try and say for certain Andy
  3. I've held a stock copy. Pete Halas, from Spalding, had one late 70's. I think it went to Mr Raistrick along with his Del Larks, Joanne Courcy etc... I've only seen one other since then Andy
  4. Fred and Ruby Caliste, brother and sister, who wrote the song are both alive and well aged 79 and 84. Both still have a copy of the 45. Sadly George Pepp died a few years ago. I've asked Ruby if she has a picture of him she could share Andy
  5. I'm not sure if a few stories are getting mixed up here and I think some of this might have originated from Rob Thomas and I. When we were with George, in the late 90s, I specifically asked him who Mr Lucky was as the name cropped up on Maltese, and other 45s, that he was associated with. He said it was him and he used it as a sort of cover as he had contractual obligations elsewhere and didn't want to cause himself problems. For the same reason he put his wife's name on the writer credit for 'I Have Faith In You' instead of his own. We then asked if he'd worked anywhere other than the East Coast/Detroit area and he said he'd done some stuff in L.A. including some singing. You can see where this is going ... so did he know a song called 'Born To Love You' .... yes that was me he responded.... and if you've heard his unreleased Jobete demo of 'Cabin By The Sea' you will note the similarity in vocal styles. So when we get back to the UK we retell this rather unusual story to a few people to see what they thought of it. I don't think we were that convinced of the connection but wanted to sound people out .. and I think we have to be mindful that at the time nobody had really investigated the true identity of the L.A. Mr Lucky although in retrospect it seems so obvious.... and I think since then it's become a bit of an urban myth. On reflection I think we didn't interrogate George enough on specifics and as a result chinese whispers have transformed the story from discussion to it being stated as fact That's all I can tell you Andy
  6. Does anybody know who ended up with this acetate or where it might be now ? Thanks Andy
  7. Does anybody know who ended up with this acetate or where it might be now ? Thanks Andy
  8. Apologies but that should have said I spoke to the wife of the guy who owned Pet Records, not Mrs Moses ...... she had no 45s, paperwork or master tapes Andy
  9. ELIZABETH B VANOVER LOCITY MUSIC 1516 HIGH SIERRA DR LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30243-5753 770) 962-3595 I spoke to his wife years ago and he was no longer with us. She said she had nothing but had licensed the Pet 45 to a UK company Her details are above. Feel free to call her. I can't guarantee the 4th caller will get a welcome reception. Actually she might have moved house Andy
  10. I spoke to Harry Bass about him. He does recall him, and his 'manager' Clay Roberts, specifically from the 'Baby Don't Leave Me/Caldonia Brown' session ... he didn't know where either of them might be now Andy Rix
  11. Think I purchased mine for £8 and sold it for £30 or £40 Tis a good tune Andy
  12. Ady Croasdell was asked to list his Top 5 Detroit recordings, by Keith Rylatt, for the Groovesville USA website. For some of us it came as no surprise to see the inclusion of a Sharon Scott recording given how he has championed her work since discovering a batch of her songs in the infamous RCA Vaults find. Anyone visiting the site will see this review "SHARON SCOTT I'm Not Afraid (unissued RCA/Pied Piper master tape and acetate) Kent CD From the fabulous trawl of Pied Piper masters from the RCA vaults, I could have chosen brilliant tracks by Lorraine Chandler, Nancy Wilcox or the Metros but this is the one I never tire of hearing. It's understated arrangement just builds and builds on a ferocious rhythm and Sharon sings wistfully and enigmatically: somebody please find this girl." I'm pleased that last night I was able to tell Ady that somebody had indeed found that girl. Alive, well and happy, as a Church Minister, in the USA. It's been a 10 year, on and off, search with not many clues to go on. Prior to the release of the first 'Rare, Collectable And Soulful' Kent CD I recall asking Lorraine Chandler about Sharon. She responded that she was from Philadelphia but had no other information. Conversations over the years with various Stateside figures yielded nothing more; Jack Ashford was unable to add anything of substance. A further trawl threw up a reference to one Sharon Scott being a member of a late 50s group, from Harrisburg PA, called The Chanels aka The Five Chanels aka Virgil & The Four Chanels. Their recordings for Julius Dixon's Deb label remain of interest to collectors of that genre To cut a long, and tedious, story short my detective work finally paid off last night when a cold call, just like the one to Margaret Little, hit the spot. Residing many miles from her Harrisburg origins, the now 70 year old Sharon, born on 1st Jan 1942, was speechless to hear of the admiration and affection afforded to her by the rare soul community. She doesn't use a computer, has no interest in the internet and, therefore, has never 'googled' herself. I suggested that maybe she should. She's had a lovely life. She remembers her songs well and looked back with a sense of pride. She's lived in New York, Detroit, Washington D.C. and Philadelphia and it sounds like she's loved every minute. We will of course send her the iconic Pied Piper/RCA tracks and there will be a 'proper' interview as opposed to my erratic ramblings. I suggested to her that she should come and sing for us but she said her faith meant that she only now sings for God. We've all heard he moves in mysterious ways so I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I was thrilled to speak to her after searching for so long. Ady was really thrilled to have had his plea answered ... and Sharon, well she said she was "humbled" by what I told her. We'll keep you posted Andy Rix
  13. Is it the same take as the 7" I wonder ? (The sound clip in the opening post is exactly the same as the 7" Accociated, at least as far as the soundclip plays) As far as I can tell it is exactly the same Andy
  14. The Hour Glass track was one Rob sourced from Lew Stanley on acetate. We played it quite a bit covered-up as The Seven Souls - It's Time The reason for this being that Henry Moore, who co-wrote the song with Robert Welch, also composed 'I Still Love You' & 'I'm No Stranger' that the Seven Souls recorded .. he also wrote a track called 'Seven Souls Theme'. I got the J.B. Willingham 8" acetate from James in addition to his 'demo' version of 'I'd Think It Over Twice'. Andy
  15. Does anybody have a YouTube account that enables them to send messages ... I haven't and can't figure out how to do it !!! Al Capps is still active so somebody could message him, maybe via his Judy Hughes video, and ask him to come join us .. we can then unravel the mystery about Doc Records Andy
  16. A sad loss indeed. He was a wonderful, gracious and kind man. I was honoured to be able to introduce him live on stage at Prestatyn. A memorable night indeed considering Rob Thomas and I located him to do the gig, not that he was really lost, and that it was Rob who had the first copy of his iconic 45 Here are the lyrics written in Lou's own hand RIP Andy
  17. Wallie Hawkins & Rose Marie McCoy
  18. Rubin featured here as a new release ...... Billboard - 11 Nov 1967 - Page 12 Jerry Williams composed the flip side but Jerry doesn't recall who Rubin actually was Andy

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