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Andy Rix

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Everything posted by Andy Rix

  1. I don't think he has either Andy
  2. I thought it was credited as well. .. when I got it out obviously realised it wasn't
  3. It's a 10" acetate ..still got it here Andy
  4. Karen Hallam and Caron Brooks.. now Caron Franks.. proper partners in crime
  5. When did Richard pass away ? .. I bumped into him for the first time in years in the summer.. at the GP Surgery .. I didn't recognise him at first but he knew me straight away and said hello Sad to hear he has died .. none of my Boston friends have said anything which is unusual Andy
  6. I've reached all of those dead ends as well .. I did once get an address and number on Gene Redd but missed him by 3 months ... It's far too late to contact Sharon Redd ... Always had a suspicion she might be Stormy Wynters on Mercury .. has anybody ever touched base with Penny Ford ?
  7. Thanks all Appreciate your kind words x A
  8. Nice one .. well done you
  9. Amazing man ... Can't believe it has been 10 years such a loss A
  10. I'm sure this got a legal reissue .. or later press.. on Epic in the mid 70s Sure I have a copy but I think it must be 30 years since I last listened to it A
  11. Hi Simon The version of "I want to hold your hand" is the Cautions .. I think it will get a CD release via Ace/Kent in the future The rehearsal tapes only appeared as you have them .. I assume the guy still has them but years since I heard from him A
  12. The decision was made early in the planning stage to only use tracks that had not previously been released in the UK on 7" vinyl. So J.D. Bryant, as an example, had previously been reissued both on Soul City and the Goldmine Shrine series Hope that helps explains the rationale Andy
  13. Thanks .. I might reconsider my decision then
  14. I thought so.. how disappointing
  15. Are all copies of this styrene ? .. I've got a Vault copy.. styrene with hiss but it was only £3 .. I adore the 45 but won't buy a copy as I do believe all releases are styrene
  16. No he did not ... he was very humbled .... a bit shocked and surprised.. he has never looked on the www so didn't know the respect and interest A
  17. Well ... after trying for too many years I have just spoken to Dennis Anderson ... brother of Bobby and obviously one-half of the Anderson Brothers It was a random call on my part because he has never picked up before, he said he never usually picks up his house phone, but tonight he did .. so I was caught off-guard .. didn't have my recording equipment ready but he's given me his mobile number so l'm going to call him back ... any questions you want asking drop me a message Short story ... before they were the Anderson Brothers they were in a group called Trieste ... Bobby on lead and Dennis on bass ... that fell apart but they had been noticed by Ray Dahroughe so teamed up with him and recorded 'I Can See Him Loving You' in 74 ... he couldn't remember which studio in NY but recalls Joe Renzetti was organising the strings and Bernard Purdie was on drums & sortng the rhythm section He said he, and his brother, personally drove around to radio stations to drop of DJ copies and he heard it played just a couple of times on the NJ/NY radio stations .. but it never took off ... and I specifically asked him if it ever got into the shops and did he see or own a beige label stock copy .. he said no .. he only ever had a black/white promo .. just the one copy that his ex-wife now has and won't return/has destroyed .. so he believes it never got beyond DJ copies due to the lack of interest ... so me saying I've seen a stock copy, in previous threads makes me doubt my memory Anyway ... he then told me that Dennis & Bobby reformed Trieste, in 76, and did an updated version, with Ray Darhoughe, on IX Chains with Bobby on lead vocal ... so the Anderson Bothers returned in disguise ! I'll update if he answers next time I call him Andy
  18. ACE CD can be found here https://www.acerecords.co.uk/nyc-1961-1966 Andy
  19. All our hotel now .. easy journey .. see you at 8 A
  20. Don't get too excited .... I'll do what I can Just joking
  21. Thank you ... Vocally Pat Lewis or Betty Winston would have done better but she knew that .. she did her best and was very humble about it
  22. Harsh .. she knew she wasn't the best singer A

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