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Sebastian last won the day on October 30 2024

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About Sebastian

  • Birthday 06/12/1980

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  1. I've got a nice stack of 45's on eBay at the moment. Ends on THURSDAY 13 MARCH. Here they are: https://www.ebay.com/str/pushkings?_sop=1 Everything has got soundclips.
  2. Looking at this again a year+ later this ofcourse makes perfect sense, especially when placed next to 45s on the Despenza affiliated Contact label: CONTACT 501 - The (Orig.) Traits - Need Love - matrix 112266 = Nov/22/1966 CONTACT 502 - Anita Anderson - Little Bit Longer - matrix 112466 = Nov/24/1966 DESPENZA 470 - Ivorys - Please Stay - matrix 12266 = Dec/2/1966 That's 100% when these 45s were mastered/plated. And then Wand makes the deal for the Ivorys 45 in February 1967.
  3. "Lindi Waters" compiled that entire series of comps. Might be a pseudonym, either for one person or a group of people. Cascade was an Ace Records subsidiary, so might help to ask Ady about it. https://www.discogs.com/label/34671-Cascade-Records?page=1
  4. Only about 24 hours to go on these auctions now: https://www.ebay.com/str/pushkings?_sop=1
  5. I've got another strong batch of 55 45's on eBay at the moment. Ends on WEDNESDAY 22 JANUARY. Here they are: https://www.ebay.com/str/pushkings?_sop=1 Everything has got soundclips.
  6. Only about 24 hours to go on these auctions now: https://www.ebay.com/str/pushkings?_sop=1
  7. Benji is correct, it does exist. I've held the copy that sold on ebay in my hands and it was a 100 % real deal QCA manufactured 45.
  8. I've got a heavy batch of 50 45's on eBay at the moment. Ends on FRIDAY 17 January. Here they are: https://www.ebay.com/str/pushkings?_sop=1 Everything has got soundclips.
  9. I've got 50 45's on eBay at the moment. Here they are: https://www.ebay.com/str/pushkings?_sop=1 Ends TOMORROW on Thursday 9 January. Everything has got soundclips.
  10. There are more copies out there. One sold on ebay in 2010: https://www.popsike.com/WILLIE-MAE-THORNTONTOM-CATSUEVERY-RARE/160455903764.html Another one in 2008: https://www.popsike.com/WILLIE-MAE-THORNTON-TOM-CAT-SUE-LABEL-NEAR-MINT-COND/200245026964.html
  11. The 15 second one is Jordan Bros "It's You Girl" on Golden Chariot and Jamie.
  12. Jeezus christ, that's the tune that sparked a 250+ comment thread on facebook a couple of months ago when Andy Tats Taylor posted a clip of it and we all tried to figure out who the artist was! So it's AI? That's an absolutely phonomenal tune regardless, I must say.
  13. My thoughts exactly. Now if "Bobby King" is a pseudonym for Rudy Love (which seems a bit far fetched), then it could be Rudy Love singing - otherwise it's Bobby King (whoever this particular Bobby King now is) singing on all releases. The Lunar release also has got some guitar work that doesn't appear on the Pick-A-Hit 45s. @neckender Could you by any chance check the matrix on the Pick-A-Hit 45s? They look like they might be Alco/Monarch pressed/plated and in that case should have a delta number which would help us date the release.
  14. It's Freddy And The Sounds Of Soul "You're The Beat Of My Heart" on Pearltone.

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