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Dave Harrison

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Everything posted by Dave Harrison

  1. Sunday soul at it's best! Dave https://youtu.be/eUMlI8IY6RA
  2. Very sad news indeed. I echo the posts above that she was never really appreciated in soul terms, but did record some great tracks amongst the many pop tracks. Shame it's always the same ones that get played over and over. I do quite like her version of Chaka Khan's "I'm every woman" though! RIP Whitney and our thoughts are with your family. Dave https://youtu.be/H7_sqdkaAfo
  3. "Everything is Tuesday" was and still is my favourite Chairman track. Love to still give it a spin when I get a chance Dave
  4. The very first record I ever bought was Freda Payne "Band of Gold" - and we didn't even have a record player ! Carried on buying records that took my fancy, but it wasn't until I had 7 or 8 records that I reralized that they were all by black artists (no MTV back then!!) and what I liked was "soul music". I think the first record I bought that you would class as "northern" was Doris "Troy - I'll do anything" on British Mojo. Still love it today, and the flip ain't bad either! Dave
  5. Jerry Butler - walk easy my son Did Jerry Butler make a bad record .... ? I don't think so ! Picked this up last week for a few dollars. Dave https://youtu.be/8hpQqJvLFME
  6. My favourite version is the Salena Jones take. I have it on the "Everybody's talking" LP, but I heard it aslo came out on a Dutch CBS 7". Can anyone verify that and give me an idea of how often it comes up, and at what cost? Was going to ask this in a seperate post, but this seemed a good opportunity ! Dave
  7. Played this last night and was surprised not so many people had heard this version. Sadly only availabe on a 12" so probably never had the exposure it deserves. https://youtu.be/a67ddPZvCS0 Great version! Dave
  8. "I need somebody" on ABC. Heard this on the Record of the Day thread a few weeks ago and picked it up for $4. Result!
  9. Thanks Rob, Not sure how I missed that one, but I guess that was where I heard it ! Both versions are good, but I think I prefer the William Hunt. Each to his own ! Cheers Dave
  10. Been playing this today and lovin' it! https://youtu.be/qH5W5oUV0o4 who else recorded this? I'm sure I've heard another version. Dave
  11. Great sound from Little Milton. Love the Tyrone Davis version too https://youtu.be/5gmV5CRXYbI Dave
  12. Flip of Doris Troy - I'll do anything on the Mojo 45 - But I love him https://youtu.be/dy0EaB5NVrY Can't find any info on a US release though. Anyone...? Dave
  13. And from one Sade to another... https://youtu.be/BvcNtoHwd6Y Some great sax solo's in this thoughout... Worth a watch just too see the beautiful Sade anyway! Dave
  14. It was always in danger of becoming a Junior Walker appreciation thread, but what the hell..... https://youtu.be/Uea5C9ASBeg Another classic from the master ! Dave
  15. Nice one ! That's new to me - glad I raised the subject ! Cheers Dave
  16. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Martha & Vandellas do the otiginal ? That's the only version I've got & heard before !
  17. Just been driving home listening to the CD in the car, and a tune prompted me to post a topic! I've been a big fan of records with a great saxaphone backing and a really soulful sax break is a killer. There are some great tunes out there, but surely the one that prompted this post is up there with the best... Junior Walker & the All Stars - What does it take https://youtu.be/wzPQe8JYJns is there a better one ? Must be lots of favourites...... let's be 'aving 'em ! Dave
  18. Not forgetting " too busy thinking 'bout my baby" - Temptations
  19. Now is the time for love - Marvelettes He's my kind of fellow - Gladys knight & Pips Hello stranger - Four Tops & Supremes Memory chest - Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell .... Plus the afore mentioned It happens every time - Barbara McNair The list goes on....
  20. Fantastic record. Female vocalist is Laverna Mason. Two or three other standout tracks on the LP too
  21. In a similar vein, but not on TV... I landed at Manchester airport last Friday on an Emirates flight back from Dubai, and on touchdown, Jackie Wilson "I get the sweetest feeling" came blaring over the sound system... the full track ! Great welcome home, but most of the Arabs on the flight didn't know what to make of it !
  22. Any copies of The Three Prophets - I think I really love you (Together) for sale? PM Condition & best offer if you have one for sale Thanks Dave
  23. It's not just you, I can't read it either ! I thought it was my IPad !
  24. Thanks for the heads up on that Dave - anything particular to look out for on the boot copy ? Cheers Dave

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