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Dave Harrison

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Everything posted by Dave Harrison

  1. A rare Motown outing for O.C Smith with "I betcha". Mine is a WDJ, as are most copies I've seen. Are there many issues about ? Not rare, but oh so good! Dave
  2. Agree 100% Andy, always been my favourite version. ( I think I posted this some time ago too !) Dave
  3. Gone now - Fran Jefferies. Class tune! [media=]
  4. Nice one Andy. not heard this in years & forgotten what a nice tune it was.
  5. Reasons to survive - Rance Allen Group. Paid about £20 a few years back. Not best condition copy either, so not sure what it's really worth. Great tune anyway! Dave
  6. Several versions of this tune, but this is my favourite. Jackie Wilson - Big man cry from the album Whispers Dave https://youtu.be/LSb63HqnblQ
  7. Not may female artists in this thread so far, so here's Gayle Harris - Ain't gonna let it yet me down. Definite Teddy Randazo sound here. Dave https://youtu.be/BE_MU9_kRB8
  8. Always been a favourite of mine, and still gets good floor reaction. Grover Mitchell - What hurts. Prices seem all over the place, so not sure exactly what it's worth. Dave
  9. Always thought this was an album only track, but picked it up on a 45 at the weekend for £3. Great little tune. Little Anthony & Imperials - I don't have time to worry Dave
  10. You're quite right. It is indeed "Jack in a box" on the flip ! I think the confusion is because "part 2" is really "part 1" !! Cheers Dave
  11. Continuing with the Motown theme this week ... "Do what you gotta do" - one of the best double siders ever ! Dave
  12. Sorry Mick, can't help you there. I don't know of any compilations, but it originally came out on the "Fabulous Miracles" LP Cheers Dave
  13. Cheers Andy, It's the flip to Mickey's Monkey on Tamla (54083) from '63 would you believe! Won't break the bank either Dave
  14. Not much Motown lately, so here's mibe for today. The Miracles - Whatever makes you happy" Enjoy! Dave
  15. From the LP "Be thankful" - William DeVaughn and "You can do it". Quality all the way! Dave
  16. Great double-sider from Jackie Wilson, with the "B" side - "Those Heartaches" just edging it for me. Dave
  17. Classic northern. Picked this up in Asia for 30 bob last week too. Still sounds great today. Dave https://youtu.be/t06Xj04K48w

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