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Jason S

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Everything posted by Jason S

  1. It's the original version (Patterson). Must say, I find Shannon's version stronger, not taking anything away from the Patterson which is decent...just find Shannon's take a bit punchier.
  2. Strange, just got one in a swap...'effectively' cost us $8... ...vaugely recall Manship's auctioned copy fetching over £400 a few months back Whether or not either figure is an accurate guide to it's proper price is open to debate.. ...fu*king nice record...for a disco effort
  3. Nah, it's rubbish, Derek...not your thing at all and far too disco for Billy ( )...however, feel free to pass the details of said potential trader this way and it'll not go to waste... Joking of course. Nice record. Have a clip somewhere that'll I'll dig out and post unless someone else does beforehand. Value-wise. I think Rod Dearlove had one (a fair while back) that went for £150...might be an accurate guide, might be way off.
  4. ...or even the Lew Kirton - Just Arrived - Alston (?)
  5. Great record...worth picking up the LP too...several nice tracks on it, as mentioned, you should be able to get one off ebay easily for a tenner or less on 7"
  6. On lists, up to £150...on ebay, probably less. Not exactly rare but the P&P completists and disco boys usually snaffle them up. Slightly different take than the Roulette issue...sounds a bit rawer.
  7. What has actually happened is that the dudes from Bano Productions have 'surfaced' and seemingly brought with them a shed load of old stock, which is now flooding the market, hence the price drop on titles such as 'Close Your Eyes'.
  8. My Inovation II copy is on vinyl. And my International Music Bag copy has those shitty pressing bumps as well...had 3 of them and they've all had them.
  9. On LuLu? The LP was booted/reissued (not entirely sure which) at some point in the last 12 months. The track Sam would have played would be 'Put A Smile On Time' which also came out on a 7" backed with 'Brenda And Me'.
  10. Manship's got the LP for £30 on his site.
  11. Tyra's Song on A&T...marvellous bit of 'rap'
  12. ...right about here >>> www.witchsbrew.co.uk/sales.htm Just about all have soundclips and stuff
  13. Could it be Googie Rene - Smokey Joe's La La on Class (7") Not exactly sure what it goes for...£25ish or sommat?
  14. Can't remember which way 'round it is, but someone told us the pink was a boot or vice versa. Anyone know anything more?
  15. ....give or take about £275, no? You've not been shopping for records at Harrods again, have you Mr Trout? 'Kin'g'hell'....I know it's a tricky one to find on 12" but £350? I'd have said realistically £75 tops for the 12", £50 tops for the FV issue and a lot less for the Bunky. Mind you, I shop at Kwik Save so I'm used to my goods cheap and chearful Then again, if the truly dire 12" version of the Mark IV can go for £350 ish, anything's possible
  16. Good on 'ya...was about to do the same. Jesus f***, that Ujima's an especially nasty one, though! Interesting he's done his homework on the Sean Oliver, what with the CKUA relating to a Canadian Radio station out of Calgary and the Boomtang label being from Toronto. Appears he's not that clueless (even though by his actions that's what he's assuming everyone else is)...must be just a tw*t, then
  17. Dodgy...very dodgy...looks (and sounds by the description) like the kind of 'acetate' that vinylcarvers in the UK produce....thick, flat vinyl with those small (smaller than US) labels. USA haul, my eye. Could be wrong but it doesn't look right.
  18. I use WavePad...simple to use, just hook up your amp to your line in with a standard RCA jack and you're away. The free download can be found here https://www.nch.com.au/wavepad/
  19. Ebay stuff....>>>Here<<< Items inc. Caprells/James Walsh/Mandrill/Cruise Band/Timothy Marrow, and more... Also updated the 'mix' on the site...can be heard >>>Here<<<
  20. Tried to offer him advice when he first emailed me with his 'claims' about 2 years ago. Didn't listen and seemed to be on a mission. Good luck to the guy, though he can't expect folk not to advise others if the question is raised.
  21. It did...about 2 years ago. And when this batch finally sell out in 2019...
  22. Cheaper than buying it from their website https://www.rock-way.com
  23. Also, having just seen the item on ebay https://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ssPageName=WDVW I'll stick my neck out and say this is one of the 'later' pressings, as you can just work out (on the crappy photo) a line of text under the group's name which is probably the engineer's name. I'd also wager this is Cole selling these himself, seeing as the seller is based in Richmond, CA...same as the record/label. Be careful
  24. There is a thread about this on the forum which explains the differences and also points out the contradiction in what is written above. The case for the 'prosecution' (in terms of the supposed bootleg nature of the *originals...i.e 70's pressings) rests, seemingly, purely on the fact that the record wasn't (apparently) issued to the public at the time, and so, therefore (apparently) isn't the original...but...(apparently) something else entirely different. Contrary to what you're reading above, those copies (as advertised above) are re-issues. Full stop. They were done a few years back after the guy saw someone selling a used copy for about $125, which made him get all angry. I've probably still got the (initially evasive) emails he sent me somewhere relating to this. As Gringo points out, the originals (70's issues) don't have the engineer's name on the label. The represses (not boots, btw) do.

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