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Jason S

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Everything posted by Jason S

  1. ...any danger of some titles on these? I'm guessing this is the demo...if not, I'll take it
  2. Who was that, Raymond Simmons? I tried to get him to give us the story on the group and the record a few years back but he recalled absolutely nothing at the time...maybe he had a sudden moment of clarity. I did speak to Harold Andrews around the same time who told us he sold the rights to Simmons for $100 back in the 80's and that the record never went further than the local area. Check out Ray's percussion workout on the web...fascinating stuff. There are photos of him on the web including guys who could have been the Fab Playmates...when I asked him if there were any pics of the group he said not. Still got my Select Records T-shirt somewhere
  3. Even nicer then to see the dickhead shelling out £62 for sommat he could have had done for £15 at Vinyl Carvers https://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=4756792337
  4. The singer HAS to be Steve Brookstein. The way he sings the high notes, that 'back of the throat' ( ) intonation...tune's got Frank Wilson and 'My Girl' rolled up in there somewhere... If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but it sure as hell sounds like Mr X Factor to me...
  5. Craig Moerer has one at $400 here
  6. Or which ones might not be...like lots of "£8.99 Buy It Now" things on ebay, for instance. Possibly.
  7. Can't figure out why Soulsmith thinks the Soul Bro' reissue 7" looks and sounds like a press(ing/boot?), but anway, to clear it up, it was 100% licensed, as was the LP reissue. Sounded and still sounds fine to my ears (in terms of sound quality). Now, if you want to get into cloudy Danny Leake produced vinyl records questions, what about David Rhodes on Chi-City...
  8. I may have one...(won't cost you much...about £7 inc post) if I can find it...never thought it was any good but if you like it, it's going to an appreciative home and for that, you're welcome to it buddy. Alternatively, you can find 3 of the buggers here
  9. True, there are differences in the colour on the boot/original. Generally the original is more of an deeper yellow. But the simplest way to tell is by looking at the run out groove. If the Superdisc etching is in capital letters it's most likely a boot. If they're a mix of Capitals and lower case then it's most likely an original. The Superdisc etching on the boot is kind of scruffily scrawled in, too.
  10. I will do if my £30 snipe goes in ok...
  11. Don't know if it's been on CD but the 7" typically lists at around £50
  12. nah, last week's if that's any good to you?
  13. ...telling me! I was impressed by them, too.
  14. The group was Glen Dorsey's (of the Joneses)...the record came out twice on GooD, once on Posse (slightly different version) and once on a GooD 12" called 'Summer Groove' (similar backing, different lyrics) The previously much discussed Satin 'Give All Your Love To Me' also came out on GooD....albeit in anything from the mid 80's to the late 90's...jury was still out on that one, I think.
  15. No problem JR, thought you would be. Tsk, and there was me thinking it was an 'across the board do'...wondered why they didn't have a glitter ball in there :search:
  16. Sure. In quite a convoluted nutshell, the fuss basically revolves around the fact that at present, two bidders are up against each other over at Manship's place, over said record, the net result being that an otherwise £5-£8-£30 (or £60) record has, over the space of a few days become a £94 record, with the possibility of it going even higher. This has led to discussion questioning both the sanity of the bidders and the musical worth of the record. One possible explaination for it's sudden explosion in price could be the mildly baffling, potentially portentious but in truth, surely misplaced 'warning' on said item description that it could become 'the next Earl White or Joseph Webster'. Seems either the bidders have been 'bullied' into going mad on it, just incase they miss 'the next Earl White or Joseph Webster' (which would suggest wholeheartedly buying the slightly foreboding sales pitch over actually listening to the record) or that, failing to find it elsewhere and really liking it a lot, they've decided to chuck a pile of cash at it (which would suggest they like it a lot and feel they want to chuck a pile of cash at it) Mind you, if the twonks had a bit of nounce they'd surely have seen this one cheaper by half at the moment to the one up on 'the auction'...then again, maybe it being compared to Benny Troy put them off that copy, just incase it was a mispress and they got Benny Troy. Whatever Machine may be, it ain't THAT bad. What was the question again? See above. Give it a spin at the Cumby and let the Geordies decide it's fate...in that area at least
  17. Differences - around £300 - £400ish if memory of a recent sale is accurate Jan Jones - Anything between £100 - £200 depending...probably more realistically somewhere in the middle King Tutt - Around £200+ (ridiculously) Charles Johnson - Take you pick between £300 - £500
  18. Found 6 references to copies advertised for sale ranging from April 04 (£8) to July 05 (£60) , though all but one have proven to be sold... ...and then there's the copy at £94
  19. I flogged that last spare a while back...PC problems have hindered a lack of updates. I recall Andy Dyson having one on his site...think it was about £60ish... www.ad45s.co.uk or Here
  20. Feeling Good's quite decent until that rock guitar solo Can't recall if my copy of Mr Love has the same track both sides...thought it had a different flip... Not a bad track, nowt amazing...passable disco-soul, I guess.
  21. I wouldn't want to flog it, Ali....but feel free to CDR it for him by all means.
  22. That copy found a very welcome home What a tune!
  23. Hmm...are you sure it's not 'Raise The Curtain High'....by Nathaniel 'Nay Dog' Mayer and the Filthy McNasty Group Plus Freestyle ...sounds like it could be the one you're talking about, Ali? If so it's on my RSF swap CD (last one) It's on a red label (Love Dog Records or sommat I think...can't recall rightly without digging it out)...it does feature a hound wearing a top hat though, not that that helps...

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