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Jason S

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Everything posted by Jason S

  1. Synchronized is the album - pretty sure there wasn't a track on the LP called that. "Baby Don't Do This To Me" should be attached. Tune! Timeless_Legend___Baby_Don_t_Do_This_To_Me.mp3
  2. Had a couple of these, large centre copies, 45rpm on Mega, the same label as Mellow Madness but not in the same league really. Recall the 'come on down' side being ok but not liking the flip at all.
  3. Sadly not cos the buggers are on strike again And currently listening to Joy Division Live in Preston Feb 1980. What an amazing f**king racket!
  4. Solid Solution 'Think About It Girl'. LP £30ish, 7" £License to print money kind of figure probably
  5. Mellow Madness went for £3214. Quite amusing seeing as the same copy was offered on here for £2500 or nearest offers a month or so back
  6. The Great Lakes Orch pops up - or did pop up - pretty frequently on ebay - seems to have settled around the £40/£50 mark - was nearly double that.
  7. There was a copy on here recently at £30. Nice choon.
  8. New set sale list here > https://www.witchsbrew.co.uk/
  9. Both look like the 'first pressing'. I'll try to put up a photo of the one I bought direct.
  10. Yep. Apparently the first pressing sold well so they did another run which apparently didn't do so well. Some of the (presumably) second press copies were given out to friends and family and those - along with ones he found stored with some 12's - are the one's now available for sale. I'd never seen the 2nd press copies until May of this year but if they weren't distributed widely (or put into circulation as the ebay listing says) it probably makes sense.
  11. Record I bought from your arrived pretty sharpish mate . Think mostly it's down to the fact that the seller simply can't be a**ed to trudge down the Post Office (or maybe physically can't get out to do so) Recently bought a record from a pretty well established US dealer. Paid for the item and was told the record would be shipped on a date 9 days from when I paid. Could only conclude they are only let out on certain days. It arrived today so no harm done
  12. Musicor version of Bad Girl kills the Gaites effort...for me anyway. Ruff!
  13. On a solid centre Hawaiian 45 lemuria___hunk_of_heaven.mp3
  14. Cracking version. What's a fair price on this, sure I've got a spare somewhere
  15. Think I've had them both Chris - one with silver the other with gold text? I may be mixing it up with something else though.
  16. Just been told that there were two pressings in the 80's so that clears that up.
  17. Matrix details are exactly the same from what I can see. Would this not indicate they'd been pressed with the same plates and as such more than likely be original pressings? Just the blotchiness of the text, the difference of the centre dink and the thickness of the vinyl which made me wonder about them. The edge of the vinly is flat on the one I just got and sharp on the copy I've had for years, also. I'll see what he says when he replies
  18. Not sure on that one. I just compared the vinyl of I Wanna Get Into you with a couple of other West Coast 80's things - William Bostic, Khaliq - and the centre dink looks the same, so maybe the text bleed is just a strange quirk. The copies they're ebaying at the moment look more obviously 'old' and not like the one I got so maybe there were two pressing runs on it https://cgi.ebay.com/Rare-Modern-Soul-7-J-D...1QQcmdZViewItem
  19. Just got a copy of the record from the site. Got to say, comparing it with the copy I've had for 6-7 years it looks distinctly different but in a subtle way if that's not too much of a contradiction. The labels are a different quality, the centre dink is different, the one I just got is thicker vinyl and the text has a kind of 'fraying' around the edges that looks scanned rather than set. The run-out is exactly the same and vinyl has a run-in 'ridge' the same as my 'old' copy, so it's confusing. I've asked him if the copies on his site are recent pressings from the original plates - not had a reply yet and I'm not syaing these ARE new pressings but there's something sort of odd about them, mainly in the quality of the text. I could post scans of both copies as comparison but not sure the difference would really come across. Of course there could have been two issues at the time and these were maybe a second pressing run, would maybe explain the difference. I've uploaded them anyway - just not sure about them at the moment (scans don't really illustrate the issue about the text, though it does show it thicker on the right image than the left) Taking it to really nerdy levels both copies have a small indented circle on the label...on the 'old' copy at the top, on the 'new' one on the bottom so it's a weird one. Just that next to each (hand in hand) other one looks old and the other not so
  20. Got a Ex copy of Drake/Ensolids at £75 (plays mint)
  21. Not sure if this is the same person back again - something not quite right here. He's yet to answer the standard 'what's in the run-out grooves' question which kind of almost ensures they actually have the record. All the pics seem to have been sourced from other auctions. That and the fact that it just looks suspect, well... https://search.ebay.co.uk/_W0QQsassZtherecordsformeQQhtZ-1
  22. Not now the picture has changed. Previously (when I first posted it up) there was just one photo of the record, you could see the grooves and what looked the like the results of a small child having skated across the playing surface for a few hours. The guy has since changed the images. It may of course, play bob on...just looked minced. Just found the original in my temp files
  23. Seems to have changed the picture and dropped the start price by $200 too 100% feedback butnot sure how many for records sold.
  24. https://cgi.ebay.com/THE-CASHMERES-SHOW-STO...1QQcmdZViewItem Ex? $3,700? Can usually rely on US grading being pretty conservative...not sure about this one

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