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Jason S

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Everything posted by Jason S

  1. A couple of days ago the postman turned up with a stack of parcels. Been waiting on one for ages so when he handed me the bundle I though "great, it's here at last". Opened the first two (record in question still not here) and then gets to a bunch of four that had been bound together with that plastic tape stuff that cuts your fingers like a b*stard. Odd. Anyway, the one on the top was from Finland. I cut the tape and opened up the bundle. The second parcel was also from Finland, and the third, and the bottom one. Except that three of them were for other people in completely different parts of the UK! Obviously some numpty at the Finnish post office had thought they'd be clever and seal them all up together in one easy to manage block. Weird thing was that looking at the post marks they'd been posted - or stamped - about 45 mins apart. Anyway, if Nick Hackett, Linda Couldstone and (I assume) Steve Plumb are wondering why you've got a record from Finland with a UK franking sticker on it, that's why! As a footnote the record I was waiting for actually turned up an hour later via parcelforce in a box about the size of something normally reserved for packing a food blender. Light as a feather, mind, as the record was nestled in three days worth of newspaper.
  2. All with clips and pics taken from the records for sale https://www.witchsbrew.co.uk/
  3. PM and email sent...about 19 mins ago
  4. I've had a few of these in the past (typical, you look for something for ages and then you find yourself with 3 in the space of 5 months...) and they've all been the purple label ones. From memory this shares the same Catalogue number as the Elsie Strong - Girl Rated Triple X - maybe they decided to 'pull' the Christian (or vice versa). Doesn't explain the two label designs, though. Would the blue one be an 80's press...and if so, why! Still a favourite - he sounds bloody miserable though
  5. Just play it off the album - it's a nice and loud pressing so no excuses and it's only one record so it's not like it's very heavy...or is that against the rules? By carving up a perfectly good new release you're being very naughty . You deserve a slap round the face and should be made to stand in the corner of a grotty working men's club till you realise the error of your ways...
  6. Would be surprised if it wasn't pulled from the album on 45 - seems the most obvious dancer. There are a few more decent uptempo numbers on the LP too so there might be a few
  7. Appreciate the feedback folks - show 7's up now. https://thesoulbrew.podbean.com
  8. There's no info regarding pressing origin in the run out other than the group name and 'Side 1'/'Side 2' (on the wrong sides as it happens ) Not for me that 'Swing', no sir
  9. not sure it's a boot, I've had a few and they've all come from the US. If it was a boot surely it'd be more plentiful and would have been 'flagged' as such by now. That said anything's possible I guess so it'd be interesting to know more .
  10. Here's a scan of the Black Magic issue. To be honest I always assumed this was the first issue - the band's crack at it before TK picked it up (?)
  11. Backyard Construction - I Want Your Lovin (BYC Prod) An album "Food Of Life" is mentioned on the label, never seen it.
  12. Tricky maybe. Ike Strong (I take it we're taking the Mable release) seems to be going for more than Jewel normally fetches so depends how savy you're co-trader is.
  13. List 10 on the site now - all with clips https://www.witchsbrew.co.uk/
  14. Harvey Averne Dozen - Never Learned to Dance
  15. Show 5 done and up now https://thesoulbrew.podbean.com/
  16. Don't pay more than £15/£20 tops...pretty mundane bluesy thing
  17. Still waiting on 3 UK recorded parcels and starting to get slightly riled now
  18. Jason S


    Guess the pm didn't get through - seen you looking at this post a few times now since I sent it.
  19. "You're Gonna Make Me Cry" on the same label is (i think) considered the most desirable one by them, J. I like 'Chicano Power' even if it does sound like they recorded it off someone playing it on the radio and then pressed it up. Lo-fi ain't the word.
  20. New show just gone up https://thesoulbrew.podbean.com/
  21. Will dig it out and send - lovely tune! Sent!
  22. Carver's are good for putting your edits onto - custom 45's of records that once had terrible guitar solo's destroying otherwise perfect records btw in some respects I agree with the MP3 thing too, but i'm not about to get the can opener out on that one
  23. Yeah, but with a hotbox collection of 87 records you won't need something that can fit 1000s of tunes onto it - just plug your mobile in and use that - if you've got an iPhone you can probably play x-box or something at the same time. You'll be in heaven and won't notice your entire set being recorded ready for a carvin'.

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