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Jason S

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Everything posted by Jason S

  1. ...looks like one has already seeing as you missed off the Magpies The way we're going we will be gone soon
  2. The same guy did have loads...funnily enough after the first (or was it second) batch he claimed the rest were 'the last few'...then more came....and more...and more until he stopped saying they were the last few. Think he had stock of a bunch of west coast things.
  3. Best bet is to lock the thread once you've asked and do it through PMs, stops the 'ooh, you'll never get that' or 'sold mine for £xx now goes for £xxxxxxxxxxx' brigade jumping all over it. That way if anyone's got one, they'll PM you and do the deal. Easy
  4. And you're being simple. Ten records = 30 mins. hardly all night now is it. Oh well, soul spec or soul rev'll do for now
  5. The question i asked was would you play those ten records in the same set at a northern soul night anywhere in the country where the majority of the punters didn't know you or those records on the basis that funk was and is played (and has always been played) on the NS scene? Those are funk records, proper hardcore in your face 'deep' funk records so why not play them if funk is played (and accepted) on the NS scene? The answer is (as you pointed out) that "most of them bear little relevence to northern". Correct, cos they're funk records, not (Northern) soul records. Night of the Wolf and Boogie With Your Baby are DF 'anthems' and NS spins yes, but that's not the point, I'm talking about taking straight up and down funk records (that haven't been played on the NS scene) and playing them to the week-in week-out northern soul clubs the country over and seeing how long it takes for the plug to be pulled and marching orders given. Old mecca, cleethorpes classics, fine, because people have grown up with them and know them and have (by and large) accepted them and compared to the ten examples I gave are soul records in essence, but the point I'm making is take 10 'deep Funk' spins into the NS scene and expect traditionalists to accept them? You're having a girraffe, even if they did dance to Mickey a few times. I'm making a (probably really pedantic) distinction between 'established scene spins which are slightly funky and against the norm' against proper funk records that have never been part of the NS scene. Cos they're funk, not funky northerny type records
  6. James you and I both spent a good few years pounding the floor at Deep Funk and you'll admit that all of the below are bona fide 'Deep Funk' classics. Much as I'd love to hear all of these mixed in with 60's soul at the same venue I can't see it happening (outside of Soul Rev, or Oslo Soul and some of the overseas dos or even Soul Spectrum when it starts...but they aren't as the first poster was hinting at, 'traditional northern do's') or being wanted at a traditional Northern do, and by and large I can see why, much the same way I'd not want to go to Deep Funk and hear some wishy washy Wigan Oldie that bears no resemblance to the kind of stuff I'm into and that I can't relate to, didn't grow up with and says nothing to me about what I want music to be. So, a lot of the examples given of 'funk records' that have been played on the NS scene deviate from the traditional 4/4 northern soul sound but all of those records have been accepted as 'northern' because of when and where they were played, and because of how they could be worked into a set. If funk was ever meant to go hand in hand with northern why are we not hearing as par for the course, the likes of Larry Ellis, The Blenders, Mickey etc at trad (and non-trad) Northern do's? Because it's a different sound, and different beat, and most of it isn't 'soulful'. Much as I'd love to hear the two it's a marginal thing and on the trad NS scene and at the majority of local do's - the 100's that make up the network of clubs the country over - it ain't gonna happen. You try to play SOUL records that you think would get the floor and you're looked at gone out, so playing 'out and out' funk? (not previously accepted, slightly 'funky' or agressive 'aggro soul' sounds) Can't see it taking off on the mainstream. (Ok, so you'll say that Mickey is now 'accepted' as Northern because some of your mates dance to it, or that the Love Exp must be northern cos Ady says they're dancing to it, or that the Groove Merchants has been played out a few times, but in reality, plonk yourself in a local soul club and play these ten records to a bunch of people who don't know you and see what happens - there'd be f**kin carnage! You may as well drop hardcore gangster rap and plead that the muscial heritage validates it being played as it dervives from Soul ) https://www.funk45.com/rm/carleen_and_the_g..._can_we_rap.ram https://www.funk45.com/rm/ellis,_larry_and_...y_thing_pt1.ram https://www.funk45.com/rm/blenders_ltd_-_you_got_it_all.ram https://www.funk45.com/rm/mickey_and_the_so...ood_is_good.ram https://www.funk45.com/rm/ernie_and_the_top..._-_dap_walk.ram https://www.funk45.com/rm/frazier,_ray_and_...ave_nothing.ram https://www.funk45.com/rm/unknown_-_egg_roll.ram https://www.funk45.com/rm/groove_merchants_...eone_for_me.ram https://www.funk45.com/rm/forrest,_otis_-_f..._16_corners.ram https://www.funk45.com/rm/majestics_-_funky_chick.ram
  7. https://www.witchsbrew.co.uk/ Pm or email through site
  8. yeah, except 95% of 'northern dancers' would have left the floor by the 4th bar
  9. Jesus f*ck, that's ridiculously cheap...surprised one of the funk lurkers has't had your hand off yet! Still sounds good
  10. can anyone described the matrix info on a real one (or boot) What's it usually go for? thanks
  11. True, but others had said those records were funk so I was agreeing. But by the same token it's not the funkadelic type sounds that people who might try funk at NS do's would tend to play, though, seeing as a generation of funk fans coming into the music over the past 15 years or so mainly regard that sound as gimmicky and a bit cliched. All the examples of 'funk' things that have been given so far are either old plays on the scene or not really 'funk' in the way that the kind of stuff likely to be played now are understood, heard or collected and DJ'd as funk. Flamming Emeralds is more likely to fill a floor in a tower in Blackpool to 2000 people than Larry Ellis & The Black Hammer which would kill it and probably result in things being thrown in the direction of the dj.
  12. Yeah, me too cos they aren't! Uptempo funky 70's soul yes, but straight, hard funk - the kind that I assumed the initial poster was refering to? No. Never.
  13. Housedick - fitting name https://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=270184059627
  14. Think it went to Japan, Dave - it was re-issued last year
  15. None i've been in - well done! It's a great tune
  16. It's probably got no place in a 'this is the traditional northern soul scene, we like what we know, and we know that we don't like funk...' etc type of venue, and in a way rightly so. Those venues will always be about the Northern Soul mindset and will eventually go because there will be no-one left to support them, not least kids who can't relate to the whole set up, etiquette, history etc. But you're actually wrong, Northern (or some 60's and 70's soul) goes hand-in-hand with some funk, just as it can go with 70's soul, jazz funk, disco etc if/when played to and by people that are into a broader spectrum of soul music, have a depth of knowledge in all fields and have the ability to sort the wheat from the chaff. But Funk at a 'traditional' nighter? 'Proper' hardcore underground funk - the kind that many of us have been into for years? Can't see the point really, especially when a lot of decent 60's soul sides clear the floor even though most of them sound like the stuff that fills it. Nights embracing the whole thing played to kids in an effort to make them stop listening to plastic pop shite, at least for a night? Yep, that's a good thing. Might not make them want to join the NS scene but it might make them investigate the music a bit deeper. And at the end of the day that's what matters. Just reading the examples given, most of those are established soul scene spins - I think the thing is 'funk' not necessarily 'funky' - there's a big difference. Top of my head, 10 hard funk tunes that would no doubt kill a NS dancefloor deader than a bottle of Domestos but that I'd expect to hear at a funk played on the NS scene night (if it were done right) Larry Ellis - Funky Thing Carleen & The Groovers - Can We Rap Mickey & The Soul Generation - How Good Is Good The Blenders - When You Git Through With It Ernie/Top Notes - Dap Walk Ray Frazier - I Who Have Nothing Unknown - Egg Roll Groove Merchants - There's Got To Be Somone for Me Lil Lavair/Fab - Cold Heat Highliters Band - Funky 16 Corners
  17. Sorted. Cheers Dukesy
  18. Is it this? If so somebody said it was specially made for the ad https://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=79GJsQx8N5I
  19. Lee Brackett on excello. Please pm if you have one for sale. Thanks
  20. Show 8 up and all pulled from the sales box https://thesoulbrew.podbean.com/
  21. Great tune, wonked out alright. Wobblier than Linsey Dawn's twins

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