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Jason S

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Everything posted by Jason S

  1. My mate's still got his, maybe a bit high for the condition so I'll see if he wants to do a deal
  2. One side's a semi-comedy funk instro (Land of The Leaping No-No - clue's in the title), the other's a decent uptempo, slightly latinesque funky soul dancer thing, unfortunately ruined by a rock guitar solo about 2/3rds the way through. Somehow the record appeared in the background of a 70's porn film, along with the band, though they thankfully kept their clothes on...
  3. I picked up the demo a few weeks back for £20. Maybe this auction price is a case of good marketing (comparing it to other well known, well established faves and suggesting it could be the next big thing for that kind of sound) as well as a relatively 'unknown' tune that might be tricky to locate, with the 'must have it now' factor thrown in for good measure. Was shocked to see the first one go at $230 odd and thought maybe when the next copy came up it'd fall back...seems like it's gone the other way. Look at what happened to Rising Sun: for ages it was an £80ish funk record that never really took off and was quite hard to sell, suddenly someone picks up on it and it goes truly mental.
  4. They're actually at 1 Keswick Road in East Putney (1 min walk from East Putney Tube)
  5. LORI & LANCE - I DON'T HAVE TO WORRY - FEDERAL - M- £60 Such a good tune!
  6. Got a Gaturs on the original label here https://www.soulstacks.com/
  7. It's actually Ellipsis...soul brother have them at £7 here
  8. Smells like a nice proper acetate, doesn't it?
  9. You can always go to his profile and look at when he was last online - chances are if he's been online recently he'll know he's got a PM
  10. Don't know who he is but that "Unknown Acetate Press Modern Soul" thing doesn't look right at $299! Thought the real one was a Bell Sound Acetate, not what looks like something that was made recently...
  11. Wouldn't say it was typical of the 'rare groove' type sound...hard to categorise really, just a ploddy 70's soul effort. The flip's an almost there fast disco thing called Disco Teaser, probably the better of the two sides. Can't get the refosoul working right now to load a clip homebrew.mp3
  12. Jason S

    The Js

    That's what I mean...a brief hike then they started to appear so it dropped back to about £80...in some cases as has been noted, it limped home at £50. Think apparent 'rarity' made it sound better than it is
  13. Sure it's been said before but that has to go hand in hand with a crowd there solely to dance to good music, some of which they may not know, not demand to hear a pre-determined setlist that reflects their own particular knowledge however limited or broad in range that may be. The punters surely have to be as imaginative and progressive in attitude as the DJ of the same, otherwise you've got someone standing behind the decks playing at a big, empty floor ringed with a sea of grumpy punters wishing they were elsewhere, and then called crap because they didn't play safe to guarantee a full floor. Probably depends what the night's all about really, but if it is the fabled 'sommat different' night the punters have as much responsibility in being open to new things as the DJ, as long as it's not utter crud. No-brainer really, isn't it?
  14. Jason S

    The Js

    After a brief hike the price for a few ebay copies settled at about £80ish for the '45...seen 12's go for around £30
  15. It is...same group, same record, the Graytom issue came out a couple of years after the Grayslak issue...something to do with Mr Grady wanting to cash in
  16. Can only see a copy at 50 euros (?)
  17. Two issues of the pazazz, a silver and a red one...the red one's apparently not as good as the silver though I've not heard that issue, just heard that it was an inferior take. Mike Vegh turned these up a while back, apparently in some quantity - think he was knocking them out at $2000 a pop, maybe less ($1500?), though Mike's the person to confirm all this.
  18. It's about £50. A guy in the US had quite a few of them a short time back.
  19. Oh boy that's like looking at half me podcasts! I can help with a few of those, pm'd you.
  20. Sure someone on the funk board had one recently...might be worth digging around on there(?)
  21. Well, this reissue's been around a few months...£62!! You can get the proper album cheaper!!! https://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=170259448168

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