It's all there for a well backed investor with several million quid to invest and a rock solid business plan (as well as a top class web engineering and design team) to really put a hole in ebay's earnings by providing a competitive platform for sellers and buyers to trade, that will convince sellers to shift their auction and store business away from ebay. Problem is, if it hasn't happened already there's probably a damned good reason - ebay's market share grip seen as too strong and possibly music/records not seen as a lucrative enough market to be the focus for a solely music based marketplace? Plus convincing sellers to ditch ebay with it's high visibility in favour of a new, unknown entity may prove the hardest job...mind you, it probably wouldn't be hard to undercut them and get rid of some of their appalling policies in a new selling/buying platform. I don't know, but ebay do seem more and more to be trying to drive sellers away. Dragon's Den stuff, this