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Jason S

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Posts posted by Jason S

  1. I've got to take exception to your comments there pal. Why would you think I am a tosser? Is it because after my engineering business was shut down by low lifes thieving my tooling for scrap I decided to sit on my arse and do nothing. Perhaps I am a complete waste of time because I've just spent the last 12 months learning and programming a way to sell my beloved Northern Soul record collection that works identically to Ebay and enables other people to do the same at a fraction of the cost. I can assure you sir that I will be around for quite some time.

    I find your attitude bizarre ... you want to big up a faceless corporation that 'are greedy and keep messing about with things' and dis the smaller person, you know the ones that share the same interest with you who are just trying to provide an alternative, without even stopping to think.

    I've been on Ebay since 2 months after it started and I can tell you there are more soul records on Soulbid a week after it started than went through Ebay in a month in those days. It's only time that has made it.

    'Ebay is king and always will be' as long as there are people like you in the world, lets hope that in years to come there will be only 'too many sellers selling shite on there'.

    Perhaps you may give some of us tossers a go then.



    is this a reincarnation of the soulbid that was around before (couple of years back?) or was that called something different? Just rings a bell. Good luck with it.

  2. Hi

    Word on the grapevine seems to suggest this is a tough little bugger to find?

    Just how hard is it,how much in demand and finally what sort of price would one be expected to pay for it ?

    Thanx & appreciated as always

    Nev :lol:

    p.s sorry if its already been a topic ,if it has ,ive missed it :wicked:

    We were picking these up pretty easily a few years back - looking at some recent end prices seems like it's having a revival. Nice two sider, came out on yellow and blue if memory serves me. Price wise - always thought it was about £75 max - infact Moerer's got one at the mo for about that https://cgi.ebay.com/FREEDOM:-Can't-You...807291238r27430

  3. I was unfamiliar with the Standards of Living 45 until the auction and was pretty impressed with the snippets I heard: competent low-budget disco-funk. Does anyone have a full soundclip they can post up in Refosoul?

    I used to have this but swapped it out a few years ago. Unfortunatley there's a chance the winner may be sorely dissapointed when they actually get it as the clip avoids the vocals which come in half way into what was the 2nd half of the clip...lets just say the copies that get played out are edits putting the good part of part one together with the good parts of side 2. Maybe being unfair, it's not an attrocious tune but when you've been used to hearing an edit played out (not knowing it's an edit) and then you get a proper copy,you can understand why it was edited. Bit like Funcky Brother on Smoke, and the Fab Originals (two of Wrighty's jobs) I know of three people (myself included) who had/have the Standards of Living and made an edit and got rid of the '45. If I can find the clip I made of the record before selling it I'll post it up - was actually looking for it today as it happens.

  4. You'd be pushed to sell that for more than £75 Jason, sometimes seen it for £50. Nice tune tho'.


    Yeah, I think initally I said it was around £60 (as opposed to £150 on the initial price)...got it down to £100 but said I thought £80 was more like the top end. Not my records though so i can only do what the seller asks.

  5. Still at £475 - would have expected a bit more interst ,to be honest..maybe is not that well known? or maybe it's not an "instant" record??

    Would have thought it was well known amongst those into 70's/80's modern...killer two sider. Got great trades on mine when it went a few years back

    Trivia: When I spoke to him about 5 years ago Harold Andrews told me that he sold the rights to the songs to label boss Ray Simmons (he of the percussion for exercise routines 'fame' CDs) for $100 but that being new to the business Simmons did nothing with the record. He's down as the producer but swears it was he not Hank Gray who wrote the songs. There you go, told you it was trivial. :(

  6. one thing that used to really p*ss me off,was with a full dance floor dj,s after the record finished start to give a sermon before playing the next sound whist dancers mop their brow,scratch their nose turn around,put hands on hips as though to say f**kin get on with it,and by the time they do,half of the dancers have left the floor,or the buzz as passed and the dj as missed the moment,some djs just dont get it,there more intrested in hearing their own voices..than reading the floor..not dissing all djs there are of course many exellent spinners.just a personal gripe.

    Could never understand the gap thing. It's not that hard to bring the level down a bit and talk over the end of a record then bring the next one in so the music doesn't stop. Anything else and it's open season for musical chairs. If it's some kind of big announcement then yeah, a gap is maybe the best thing, but not every time! :no:

  7. Hi J

    do you know it though?

    SS search shows sebastian had a copy for sale so am intrigued :lol:

    Remember there are a few artists, that aren't associated with soul, that made the "one off" brilliant choon :lol:

    I await a soundfile before i conclude,but i see where your coming from with the Briarmeade connection :unsure:

    Hows trix?

    I put a short clip from that auction on my first reply, Nev...ouch :ohmy:

  8. Since when has Soul Source been predominantly 60s 70s? I thought it was all about soul music from all eras?

    ...since for ever...you're not saying that the main thrust of the discussions on this site don't come from a 60's, northern and 70's angle? I mean, the 10007 threads on the northern scene, originals only and who should play what, where and when testify to that. Not saying other eras aren't discussed but as Cunnie points out, releases like the new Dells, Stephanie McKay or Lalah Hathaway for instance don't really get that much attention in the main, even if they are discussed to some extent.

  9. Have noticed the response this record has being getting though on forums when other things like the new Dells track (Can't Wait) have barely been mentioned.

    Wonder why?

    Maybe because that track's obviously not a throwback 60's sound (it's a more throwback mid 80's sound with those drums and keyboards and bassline) and as such doesn't offend the ideals of people who think the KGF is trying to unsettle their notion of what should or shouldn't be, or probably even come under their radar for that matter. There are 1000's of new soul releases that won't be discussed on this or any other predominantly 60's/70's music forums seeing as they don't bear much resemblance to that era. I'd expect the dells to be discussed more than the KGF on EMS ...I can't check as I lost my login info ages ago :yes: That said you have to admit that track (Dells) is in itself a very throwback kind of sound, very 80's drums and keyboards and bassline. That said the vocals are great, though.

  10. My copy is filed and will probably stay there, might come out to sell :lol: certainly won't go in the dj box.

    So, you bought it purely so that once it's achieved what you don't what it to achieve - popularity, noteriety and wider demand - by means that you don't believe in or feel have any place on the NS scene - this particular record being played on the NS scene - you'll be able to cash it in and reap the rewards of it's achievements thanks to it's value rocketing because of those factors?

    Nice one :thumbsup:

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