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Everything posted by Emjaygee

  1. Any chance of someone posting a scan of the article up here? I have quite a few of the Kent LPs from back in the day, not only a perfect introduction to obscure tunes on a good themed basis but also the only way to own some of the big unissued tunes of the time, It's Torture for instance.
  2. Sorry it's Pretty Girl all the way for me, above either of those.
  3. I remember when I used to stay with Flynny when he was resident @ the dome he had one in his box, and do remember him dropping in at least one set too.
  4. Two things that dropped from the postie this morning. Andy Mack Later Than You Think on Chess Kings Go Forth Outsiders are back vinyl lp. Then a couple of weeks ago Gino Washington Like My Baby Mala mmmmmm. nice.
  5. It sounds great on my laptop too, keeping me happy through the last few hours of work!!! Great selection there Paul. Not heard that united image for an age,think I might have to go and dig it out of my collection and give it an airing.
  6. Sam Bowie (Think of) The Times We Had Together on WinGate is always a fave of mine.
  7. Nice variety Russ. definately enjoyed the last unknown Test Presing.
  8. Passing of a true legend. I only ever saw him from a distance at Glastonbury in 1998, but his time piece album is always one of the first I put on the decks when having a vinyl session at home. Terrible shame.
  9. If you only want it for your Ipod as you can't get a copy on original format, then you can get it from Itunes or amazon for 79p.
  10. Happy by Velvet Hammer, great bass.
  11. I used to have a copy of real player. that would crossfade on burning a CD. I used that a lot in previous swaps, gave the CD a polished feel. but since i got a new PC just been using ITunes, which is rubbish for that, should be in the basic version by now.
  12. I've been across the board since the year dot. Started at Yate then through Stafford etc and beyond I was a semi known Modern DJ but still buy anything that i like and is affordable Recently bought some 60's things i liked from back in the day, Arabia by the Delcos, the two unissued September Jones tracks that Mr Flynn used to play, through to some 12" recent tunes that i have heard by word of mouth. Actually just got the new CD from Angela Johnson, absolutely love it!!! But can't say i like to go anywhere that is limited, like modern/crossover only, or oldies etc. I want a bit of everything. I do pull out my old LPs and tunes from time to time and sometimes revel in the classiness of it all, and sometimes think what the fcuk is that!!! So in answer to the above.......Yes.
  13. I remember one night playing human pinball with Chris from Bedford, bouncing off the walls all the way down the windey corridoor between rooms. Alway a swaety night there. I think that on one night there was a huge undergroud room open that was where the original Wheel nighters were held, or so Brian Rae told me, would have believed anything the state i got into. Fantastic trips up with the other Mark Form Gloucester
  14. Having enjoyed the first 5 discs i have really struggled to come up with something i think will pique everyones interest. Still it's in the can as they say and will be sent out next week, hopefully there are one or two items that will induce some chin stroking Cannot express how happy i am listening to the first discs i have recieved, must be at least 75% unknown to me........awesome start everyone.
  15. the shot of the Blackburn record bar has me talking to Mark Oliver right at the back (AKA The Marx Brothers from Gloucester at that time). I'm the handsome one in the Red top in case anyone was confused
  16. I'll join in this one if that's ok. Are we limiting the numbers or will be be a bigge like some of the earlier ones i got involved in?
  17. Sharon verus Trikster.....12 rounds of Two and a Half minutes each......1 knock down drop back spin to decide.....wheres Frank Warren this has got to be a winner
  18. As is gona Getcha Girl.....if i have any memory cells left, isn't on the B side of one of the above?
  19. If you had something really dragons teeth rare, would you put it on the bay or would most who have access put it out on JM's auction? Does anyone know which get's the bigger finishes for the same records?
  20. erm....Daybreak - I need Love Melvin Moore - All of a sudden David Rhodes - Hung up in mid air Terry Callier - Don't Wanna See Myself
  21. <- Nearly Every track on this Album Plus Bobby Thurston - Just Ask Me from Sweetest Piece of The Pie LP.
  22. (I'm in with) The YorkTown Crowd
  23. I had a wry smile when Craig Charles said that a requestor to his recent radio 2 show had gone all Northern Soul on him then proceeded to play The Snake But what gets me all a grinnin and a tappin is Cheryl Burdell Givin It All To You.
  24. Very James Brown sounding production. no faster than combinations but much funkier. Need to hear it out loud in a set to see how it comes across. Liked it though.
  25. Only ever been one for me, since my first ever nighters at Yate. - Rufus Lumley - Stronger Than Me - Grown men crying in the middle of the dancefloor.

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