"A record a day keeps the blues away". DEFINITELY.
Crappy day at work - get home to a cheapie, brightens yer evening up.
Football team got a hammering on Saturday afternoon - Get a filler that night dirt cheap, dullens the disappointment.
Skint, but make the effort to get somewhere - find a W/Demo of a cheapie that you've never seen for peanuts - Hey Hey result!!
Flush, got a few $$$ in the vinyl fund exactly same time as #7 of the wants list appears - No hesitation, slap down the wonga and drive 100 miles to pick it up. Get home, put headshell with new cart/stylus on tonearm, crack chilled beer open, place needle on vinyl, kick back and smile (Extremely SMUGLY) to oneself......BLISS!
A record a day.......oh yes indeedy!