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Mark B

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Everything posted by Mark B

  1. Got one but not for sale have you tried mr brady thats where mine came from.only about a month ago mark
  2. edited did not read post properly mark
  3. I would say that this was probably an early spin on the scene possibly the torch maybe the twisted wheel, cnat be sure but it seems to have been around for a long long time. mark
  4. So sorry to hear this only met nige a couple of times, so did not know him that well but the scene will sadly miss him. deepest sympathies to his family Mark
  5. play this occasionally at the greatstone. mark
  6. hard to get i think jordi or dave sold one to john nightingale would have thought £250 + i want one also. mark beat me to it steve you must have been writing at the same time. mark
  7. I would have thought that the royalties to be collected are stipulated in the contracts and are a percantage of the new record sales and a set amount for each record play on the radio. i think this is also covered in the licence fee for clubs and shops that are paid to the BPI. for playing music in your premises, not certain of this. My cousin used to work for the BPI and they used to recover royalties for artist who joined the BPI if you were a member they monitor all adverts and radio's playlist to make sure you are paid. Do not think it would be viable to get royalties from second hand record sales, as in all things some prices go up and down, how would you monitor it as well second hand sales from 10p to several hundreds of pounds if not thousands. this would then have a knock on effect to the second hand book sales would'nt it, affecting charity shops and second hand book collectors as they would have to pay royalties on books or records sold, just my thoughts mark
  8. the main reason i go out is for the dont know thems how else do you find stuff you want to buy. i hate the mentality of the people who dismiss something because they dont know it. as your george clinton title says. mark
  9. £225 inc postage ex condition. mark
  10. john anderton has one and the price is over 2000 he said his mate got 2500 on ebay so he was not sure what to ask not sure if meant dollars or pounds a trifle dear if you ask me but then again most of his prices for top stuff seemed to be high. mark
  11. I thought i put an answer on here last time must have been another thread i also sent this answer to manship but think he ignored me well he hates me anyway. according to rod shard the jesse henderson 12" is just the bobby cutchins remixed for the US disco scene. if rod reads this he may well confirm, got my copy out of king bee for 50p in the sales box. i have both version but i prefer the jesse version. mark
  12. have played it a couple of times at the greatstone in the last year. mark
  13. no turntable in our caravan paul not bringing it this time just cd's only mark
  14. great minds and all that that is the side i bought it for to spin at the greatstone. mark
  15. he was a staple diet for us mancs, piccadilly radio and he was resident dj at The Village/Hard Rock in stretford. mark
  16. were you waiting outside for me to buy it or was i outside waiting for you you have to have shopped at spin inn to understand the question. mark
  17. probably somewhere between 25 to 40 pounds bit more on scorpio about 60 to 70 mark
  18. probably was a mecca or ritz thing, bought this as new release from spin inn m/c mark
  19. Two-fold really my inital introduction to soul was by my mates older brother who was the dj for our school disco at st alphonsus, the usual stuff for 1969 onwards stax atlantic motown invictus blue beat, sadly he died aged thirty five his name was carl comisky all the family were born with the same heart defect that no one knew about till carl died, sadly hsi 2 sisters died young as well the only one still alive is my mate adraian but have not seen him for about 10 years. I was introduced to northern by my older brother paul, and i still see him well he lives in stroud now so dont see him as often as i should. he still buys records but does not go to do's much. mark
  20. try mr havekin for king sporty think he has got a spare copy mark
  21. got this of mr brady about 5/6 weeks ago he may have some more give him a try. mark
  22. as an ender i like Billy Barnes until liberty mark
  23. floffs foldie of the day would that be origami then mark
  24. rod you asked the question re snipe i answered it may help you try it as someone else said i only put in what i think it is wrth to me if i dint win that is ok but quite often win paying less than i expected, its up to you. now as for the guy wjo has two copies of said record which i seriously doubt, he was trying to protect his investment, but he should be honest and if it sells for less than he wanted tough i am sure he may sell other stuff for more than he expects the way of ebay some you win some you lose. you can complain to ebay but they will do nothing about it, if i was you i would send him a message and tell him you are not happy about it. just to get it off yor chest. mark

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