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Mark B

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Everything posted by Mark B

  1. i like that one not heard before
  2. Attended Peterborough once but have to say was not easily accessible by road from Manchester
  3. wigan casino early 1974, had been going to soul nights since 1972.
  4. not much out there on it paul someone in aus on discogs has $400 on it and discogs says lowest $125 highest $200.00 so mus have sold at some point sound like one for the sweet soul low rider collectors
  5. Tried this one when I used to run a soul night but never took off but I love it
  6. sold mine 18 months ago for family reasons those who know me know why, sold them all in a job lot to Les at king bee in chrolton(whom i have know for a long time) he was very fair. yes i probably could have got more if sold private but would have taken a long time. i did sell a lot of the very rare in demand type stuff before. but as i tended to buy obscure and underplayed or stuff i had never heard before it would have been a tough sell to a mainstream dealer. Les is good because he also collects and i know quite a few have ended up in his collection.
  7. thats a bit of proper northern not heard that one steve
  8. wasnt iris harvery - betrayed - columbia ?
  9. rod shard used to have a few contracts from motown and basically all the performers and writers and production staff got a fee. i presume the company made the bulk of the money until they got famous like the tops, supremes, temptations. suppose they then got better management and agents and sorted better contracts
  10. Roburt it was a shithole it was an old tram depot concrete floors covered in dust huge place no real dancefloor toilets were worse than wigan if thats possible. it was cold the place didnt have any redeeming factors.
  11. james phelps for me but the production on the magnetics is probably the best
  12. i really like the cj & co sean, joe mathews is pretty good but the cj side for me ordered one
  13. in the 70's probaly 1974/5 on a trip to london buying records we went to a northern night in the upstairs of a pub think it was the duke of wellington not too far from elephant and castle maybe mistaken on the name of pub
  14. https://chapmanrecords.co.uk/shop/index.aspx?searchType=title&search=Need+Of+Love
  15. should be around £100 for a mint or near mint £250 sounds ambitious to me
  16. I sold my copy for £100.00 about 9 or 10 years ago
  17. Remember him DJ'ing but from memory can't remember where could have been Wigan he played a lot of dodgy instrumentals that he recorded. Not the greatest of spots.
  18. venue was absoulutely dire.
  19. nver heard of it ? done a search https://www.discogs.com/sell/release/4089974?ev=rb price varies a bit but no sound files
  20. another we all cut our teeth on before eddie spencer came along

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