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Mark B

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Everything posted by Mark B

  1. Do a search there are quite a few out there at varying prices
  2. payment by paypal markbaildon@bowdoncheshire.freeserve.co.uk 21st century - got no reason / every little heartache - Dot promo Ex £30.00 Great lakes orchestera - this is the night / didnt i tell you Great lakes Ex+ £40.00 The honey bees - she dont deserve you - fontana Ex+ £30.00 denita james - i have feelings too / wild side - flip Ex £35.00 Jackie taylor - walkin back / ive been loved - jubilee promo Ex- £45.00 onyx - you never fail to amaze me / something youre trying to hide - Yew Ex £35.00 Fish - this is life - cavco Ex £35.00 plus postage and packing mark
  3. Top tune great double sider have had this since about 1975 one of those 10 p bargains
  4. Definitely a bargain should be £50.00 plus for a copy, people do change is stand track out Pete best put me onto that one
  5. Yes Sid good tune when I played this at the Greatstone several years ago it had quite a few craning there necks to see what it was.
  6. Yes Sid he worked with my brother at British gas that's how we got to know seedy ( john Seymour ) and his brother and John Hillel rich and all that crowd. He is on facebook if you do a search. He is an artist now paint and photography.
  7. Vaguely remember going to hiccups although my brother and myself were from old Trafford we used to go to clubs with some of the duckinfield, staley bridge crowd John Hillel, Steve Riley, John Seymour, and a few I can't remember.
  8. Don't know why I put moonlighters duh! That's what I thought got mine a few years ago for about a fiver
  9. What is thee moonlighter version of it'll never be over for me really worth?
  10. The moon changed its name to hiccups not sure when
  11. Are you thinking of druffies duckinfield rugby club)
  12. Yes gaetanos cheers memory had gone blank on that one
  13. https://www.gemm.com/search Check here said a few copies less than 20.00
  14. Thursdays blue rooms was Ian Levine and Colin Curtis from I went from 1973 till it closed eventually Richard Searling and Dave evison took it over. My soul nights consisted of Mondays not sure if anything on Tuesdays Caroline's Wednesday not sure Thursdays blue rooms Fridays pendulum at MSG, Greatstone Saturdays Wigan or cleethorpes but mainly Blackpool Sundays tiffanys Newcastle under Lynne , ritz all dayers, derby all dayers, belle vue, John Bull Other clubs attended duckinfield rugby club, st Ives, Peterborough, Whitchurch, Birmingham all dayers, Yate, black bull on Sundays run by rod shard and Dave withers. One in town behind woolworths in an old Italian cafe ? Again run by Dave and rod. Cats whiskers burnley. Angels burnley, cassinellis, Leeds central All from 1972 till 1979/80 And loads more but memory shot
  15. You want the one with or without the piano intro
  16. Mark B


    Sorry didnt see your pm's glad you are sorted
  17. Mark B


    Pm me i have one
  18. i may have a channels remember buying it. pm me
  19. I would say it is somewhere around £250.00 you may get it for a bit less not that easy a sell
  20. Could it have been done for he beach scene Dave, they have a tendency to change the name slightly and possibly details on the label.
  21. i have one brian but i think it is a re issue you are welcome to have it lol
  22. Some for sale prices adjusted Jean Terrell - no limit - A&M VG+ £40.00 Johnny Thompson - given up on love - Jay-Tee VG £75.00 Virgil Henry - you ain't saying something new - collosus (1st label) VG £125.00 Charles Earland - Drifting - Mercury VG+ £65.00 Jo Stance - hey girl - Ricky tick M- £50.00 Harold currington - one day girl - 7 ad Ex+ £100.00 Dobie gray - honey you cant take it back - white whale demo VG+ £80.00 The chancellors - something for sure/places we knew - Chamus Ex £125.00 Tate - Love shop - Cloverstreet Ex++ £100.00 125th street candy store - silent heart/hey girl - Fania Vg £65.00 Linda jones - i'm taking back my love - Atco promo radio station stamp on label Ex £100.00 PayPal preferred postage to uk covered extra for abroad
  23. As John says No
  24. Mecca tune not sure of year but I went from 1973 onwards
  25. I was told that it is a press fault caused by the pressing plates

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