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Mark B

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Everything posted by Mark B

  1. This week Iron claw based on true story of a wrestling family in Texas in the 70’s surprisingly a very good film, it’s really about the family and the way the father rules the whole of the sons.
  2. This week the hold overs this is an excellent film really enjoyed it, the end where we started (Jodie comer) for me failed to live up to what ai is supposed to be. Can’t fault the acting but there was just something missing.
  3. We all went to yate (long journey from Manchester) the once and hated it we spent most of the night in mates car listening to tape
  4. this one I picked up Ltd edition of 300
  5. I honestly can’t see it selling for anywhere near that I think he may be stuck with it
  6. Funnily enough lockdown put me off reading I used to read one or two books a month since lock down can’t seem to get back into it but I have got about 50 books on my kindle ready to go at.
  7. Had a look around he has it at £1000.00 it’s actually June Harris on UK CBS A SIDE stand back b side over and over again. Only 3 copies apparently. Over and over again also done by the three belles. Probably quite well known, it’s a poppy tune sort of Wigan style. Sorry if I spoil his sale.
  8. Don’t you just remove the red or black screw top and the banana plugs then fit
  9. Mary Maundy looks a bit strange also
  10. 12.50 euros postage is a bit steep.
  11. My friend paul had a copy with the star on which he sent to John manship to photo so he could put it in the book. Only one I have seen
  12. one I bought as a youngster on British ember a Carolina’s copy by the fabulous plaids used to play this Love this version as it does away with Jesse’s rap intro
  13. Napoleon the other week I thought was boring and too long, was really looking forward to it but ended up being restless couldn’t get comfortable and think it is Ridley Scott’s worst film. Probably better if watched at home. Can fully recommend the 3 musketeers part one on to now possibly Netflix ? Excellent and sticks to the story looking forward to part 2. This week wonka expected to be average but was excellent thoroughly enjoyable funny and clever Timothy chalomet was excellent as wonka.
  14. Very sad news a shock condolences to his family
  15. From aged 12 ish dancing to mainly soul or reggae records (at times it was almost like a line dance with everyone with similar feet and leg moves) at local school disco dj was friends big brother and mate they were both mods. from then it was by watching and sort of copying at soul nights started when 15 being taken by big brother to blue rooms in sale and Blackpool Mecca one of our friends commented to me that while my bottom half was good while dancing I was too stiff with my upper torso. So really it was own style but borne through watching and emulating other dancers till I had my own way of dancing to different styles of tunes full on stompers to funky type and mid tempo tunes.
  16. Just had a listen backing track sounds familiar but no luck with Shazam sound fairly new though
  17. Joe Hinton side hits the spot for me but as stated miss Louistine would have fitted in at the Mecca, joe Hinton reminds me of a Bobby Womack type of song. They both would have been great at the Mecca.
  18. One of Mecca regulars had a very nice cardigan that had rare evy soul on the back. Hand knitted But with you paul embarrassing T-shirts and vests
  19. Mark B


    Always been that for me as in “shut your mush”
  20. Looking at google maps the area is thornbury which is close to Brunswick you would be best asking promoters for hotels and accommodation recommendations as they will know and may have deals with some of them also best to check as a lot travel to the weekend so they will get booked quick
  21. Not been out for a long time but listened to this and would definitely have been something I would have looked for and played out. Sadly I sold up as well 6 years ago
  22. https://sonichits.com/video/Freddy_Solomon/Tears_On_My_Face?track=1 think it this arock sylivia records story
  23. Wasn’t there another version of this
  24. 3 musketeers part one in French with subtitles. Saw it last week and it is excellent part two is around December time.
  25. Paulvine@boogaloorevue 12/03/22 by boogaloo revue on Mixcloud has it

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